Premium Format Captain America: The Winter Soldier - Coming Soon

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You guys are hillarious :lol


I am kinda hoping they do the winter soldier with switch out heads and or weapons. The movie was so bad a$$.
Just have to say that Captain America: The Winter Soldier is my favorite Marvel movie to date. Iron Man 1, then Avengers. And all of you saying how bad Wolverine was are you taking about Origins or The Wolverine? Cause Origins was a piece of sh*+, but I really enjoyed The Wolverine.
Hope this piece turns out excellent, though I'm probably still not going to buy it. Have to resist movie versions.
The Wolverine was way better in my opinion. Haha

I thought orgins was a joke, and so did fox, canceling the titles. The plan was to do "origin" movies for many x-men.
The second Wolverine is better IMO... Hated Deadpool in that
Jackman is awesome as Logan and he tipped Channing Tatum to replace him which would be a travesty!

I agree that Tatum would be a bad wolverine. But the current rumor is that Tatum is in talks to join Age of APPOCALYPSE as gambit...

Wolverine wise, I want them to pick someone short. Haha. Like 5'8 or under atleast.

I personally think Kit Harington (Game of. Throne's Bastard, Jon Snow) would be perfect.