I get what your saying, but whats the time limit on the outrage then?
I mean, we SAY we are just as outraged by what Arnold was said to have done, or what Gunn was doing, or what any male star in the past has done....but are we just to fickle minded as to forget whats been said or done cause it was in the past? Or are we guilty of cutting our favorite slack? And thereby making our least favorite a greater target because we didn’t like them to begin with, for whatever reason??
This is my biggest issue. People say its about racism or sexism, and that current people espousing that view should be called out on it? Boycott someones film (again of which in this case she is only part of a huge ensemble) not buy the figure because of it also? But are those same people sitting around with little Arnold dollies on their shelves, rewatching his films and saying “ah thats not true, Or It was a long time ago so who cares?”
John Wayne was about as racist and homophobic as you get, but we give him a pass now? Why? Cause it was a different time? Then what about Mel Gibson? Ready to Boycott Mad Max?
Should the media be more aggressive with BL on her comments? I guess they could, but like past times, sometimes a certain group has to be the fall guy. Currently it seems to be white men and immigrants.
Its again hypocritical outrage at best from many people.
Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Again I think that all boils down to the fact that the bad deeds done by those actors were found out after we already knew them. They had street cred. We fell in love with the characters before we found out what **** ups they were. So its hard to go back and retroactively hate what we loved.
Plus nobody made excuses for those actions. We might forgive after time. Mel has gone on the apology tour time and time again. But his career paid for his actions. Did Arnold apologize? I don't know.. I guess cheating on your spouse does not seem like as a big a deal when it comes to our Hollywood favs as they all seem to do it.
Plus there is the saying.. Time heals all wounds..
But Brie.. Well that just happened. There is no street Cred. No previous roles to love and no real apology for her social justice warrior grandstanding
Nope she knows she can get away with it right now because 1. She is in a freaking Marvel movie right before the biggest one of all time. 2. She is a privilege Hollywood star and the rest of Hollywood and much of the media agree with her views.
So yeah.. She comes across as far more annoying because she has chosen to attack the base that will be a big part of seeing her films.. And unlike Mel and Arnold.. She wont have to apologize. \
I guess you could say she kinda did when she walked it back a bit... But that really seemed like pressure from Disney. But who am I to say?
But like I said.. Some have already come to her defense.. Did people come to Mel's defense? I don't recall. I know when it happened I was like "Oh oh Mel there goes your career *******" and even though I liked him I knew he was going to get what he deserved.
As for Brie, well time will heal all wounds.. If the film is great and she is great in it and she stops the goofy comments in the future. Well I am sure most of us wont care what she said a few months from now.
As for Boycotting.. Meh.. Not a fan... I hope the film is good and I enjoy it. I hope I like her in it. I also hope she does not say dumb sexist things in the future so it will be easier for me to enjoy the films
We would only be "hypocritical" if we criticized Brie for being racist and sexist while we too were also being racist and sexist. It's not like any of the comparisons that you've made are apples to apples anyway. I don't recall Entertainment Weekly running a cover the week before "Saving Private Ryan" hit theaters of Michael Sizemore looking all smug with the caption "Sgt. Horvath Punches Nazis...and Heidi Fleiss," lol.
Except I think he is trying to say that we are being hypocritical because we are outraged by this but we don't complain about racist and sexist actors like Mel or Arnold.
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