Second biggest opening ever for Marvel. So many delicious tears.![]()
Ironically, 66% of the people that went to see this film were male. Like with SW, males are the biggest consumers. Too bad the film seems to have an agenda against the very audience that made it a hit.
This movie wasn’t that bad. I expected it to be cringe throughout. Yea there were some stupid parts and the movie wasn’t groundbreaking but it wasn’t all that bad and she struggled a bit til the end. It was nowhere near as bad as the last Jedi imo. It doesn’t deserve all this attention it’s just s run of the mill hero film with some girl power thrown in. I thought this movie was gonna be a hate letter to men but it wasn’t really. It was just meh. But still if she defeats thanos by herself it’ll be bs.
Wonder Woman was better imo
This is why I like Predators. They don’t say anything political and don’t discriminate.
I think the phenomenon of a manufactured "crisis" that fools a bunch of people into believing that it is real can potentially be as newsworthy as an actual crisis. I think that may be why the nerd rage is receiving coverage...not because the raging nerds themselves are relevant but the fact that some folks mistakenly believe that they are is relevant. The proof of their irrelevance then coming to light makes for an even more interesting story.
So I am starting to think that the whole Brie Larson thing may have been done on purpose. Before that nobody was really talking about the film. No complaints about it being about a woman hero or anything. Just some complaints about the trailers looking very boring and nobody really knowing much about Captain Marvel.
I wonder if Brie saw the final product and got a little worried about the film itself or maybe her performance. So say something a little controversial and get people talking.. Get tons of free publicity and then Blame the old white trolls if the film does not do well and claim victory over them if it does..
Ironically, 66% of the people that went to see this film were male. Like with SW, males are the biggest consumers. Too bad the film seems to have an agenda against the very audience that made it a hit.
Maybe they just differ in their ideas of what is good? I mean no disrespect, but if your too rigid on what can or cannot be, or whom a character is or was, your bound to be disappointed in just about everything.
Thes are adaptations of the comics. I have been disappointed that Tony isnt more of a jerk, cause he sure can be in the comics....
And Thor is too “point break” and not enough God for me.
But still fun stuff.
Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
You got to give Mr. Feige and his team credit for pulling off the BO win. However, the audience score of 52% (The lowest for an MCU film). Makes the win a little bitter sweet. But it’s a win never the less. So it goes! I stand by everything I said here, and there will be no tears from me. It was a lively discussion and it’s good to see people passionately expressing themselves, and that’s the way it should be. So, bring on AEG!
It got an A from Cinemascore and I'll trust that more than RT audience scores at this point. It's just too easy to mess with internet polling scores now.
From what I know about Cinemascore It's not meant to indicate quality. It's about audience reaction. A film can be Meh, but people can still say they enjoyed it. plus, the scale is difference so anything lower that a B-, I believe is considered poor.
You got to give Mr. Feige and his team credit for pulling off the BO win. However, the audience score of 52% (The lowest for an MCU film). Makes the win a little bitter sweet. But it’s a win never the less. So it goes! I stand by everything I said here, and there will be no tears from me. It was a lively discussion and it’s good to see people passionately expressing themselves, and that’s the way it should be. So, bring on AEG!