I'm pretty sure people can just be expressing their opinion of the movie without any thought to what anyone else thinks of it or what the box-office says. Not everyone cares one way or another about 'sticking it to the other side' on the internets.
Like I said before this thread would be 10 pages longer if the movie had flopped. All those people pretending not to care about the billion dollar box office would have been busy flooding this thread and other internet pages with gloating posts. It didn't work out for them and now they are trying to "take the high road".I'm pretty sure people can just be expressing their opinion of the movie without any thought to what anyone else thinks of it or what the box-office says. Not everyone cares one way or another about 'sticking it to the other side' on the internets.
Like I said before this thread would be 10 pages longer if the movie had flopped. All those people pretending not to care about the billion dollar box office would have been busy flooding this thread and other internet pages with gloating posts. It didn't work out for them and now they are trying to "take the high road".
Wut? I still people trying to change the topic to captain marvel is not a good movie. They can't say it's not a success and be taken seriously so they are trying to say it's not a good movie and thus not successful.
I heard a bunch of misogynistic noise in general but on these boards I thought it was only a vocal minority that were down on this flick before the trailer even dropped -- the whole "She's expressionless" "SJW hysteria" and "Her butt's flat" nonsense?
Not sure I'm seeing the same 'high road' obfuscation you are, but I haven't been in this thread for a while.
Why do people still engage with this certain poster? You're negating my ignore setting as I end up seeing the post anyway because of your quotes!
Were people down on this flick before the trailer? I thought the trailer had people going "Meh" and then the Brie comments got people frustrated. That's when I saw the flat butt, SJW, and expressionless comments taking place..
But in all honesty I did not start paying attention to this film all that much until Brie said the comments.. I really believe that's why she did.. Draw attention to a film that was not getting much.. But that's my cynical side getting the better of me.
Like I said before this thread would be 10 pages longer if the movie had flopped. All those people pretending not to care about the billion dollar box office would have been busy flooding this thread and other internet pages with gloating posts. It didn't work out for them and now they are trying to "take the high road".
That might have been it -- there's a lot of goofball stuff on the Web and I can't keep it all straight, given that I usually just skim it and move on.
But you thankfully are rising above such behavior.
I have never cared that much about meeting celebs. I don't get nervous. They are just people.
My Joke has always been.. I don't want to meet Harrison Ford. I want to meet Indiana Jones.
It's not an either/or proposition. I think for the purposes of a discussion people need to define what they mean by 'success'. Captain Marvel is undoubtedly successful financially, successful in the realm of popular opinion, and even successful as an MCU film. It gets the job done and it's kinda fun.
This is not mutually exclusive with my contention that it suffers from poor execution relative to finer examples of the genre, if we're going to compare apples to apples.
It's not an either/or proposition. I think for the purposes of a discussion people need to define what they mean by 'success'. Captain Marvel is undoubtedly successful financially, successful in the realm of popular opinion, and even successful as an MCU film. It gets the job done and it's kinda fun.
This is not mutually exclusive with my contention that it suffers from poor execution relative to finer examples of the genre, if we're going to compare apples to apples.
Guess it all depends on the definition of success..
I am pretty sure Disney would call this movie a success.
Hell if a film was 2 hours of a dog turd and it made billions they would consider it a success.
Some may say its how well a movie is made to determine if it is a success.
I think its both.
So in that respect I think that CM is a success because It is doing well and its not a bad movie. Of course to say that some of its success is not because it has MARVEL slapped on it is being intellectually dishonest. I am not sure this film does as well if it was its own stand alone film and not part of the MCU.. Same could be said for Ant man, Dr, Strange, etc...
Its also being a bit dishonest if anyone is saying that this is a flop or not a big financial success.
In all honesty I am shocked this is all still being debated.
I'm pretty sure people can just be expressing their opinion of the movie without any thought to what anyone else thinks of it or what the box-office says. Not everyone cares one way or another about 'sticking it to the other side' on the internets.
Guess it all depends on the definition of success..
I am pretty sure Disney would call this movie a success.
Hell if a film was 2 hours of a dog turd and it made billions they would consider it a success.
Some may say its how well a movie is made to determine if it is a success.
I think its both.
So in that respect I think that CM is a success because It is doing well and its not a bad movie. Of course to say that some of its success is not because it has MARVEL slapped on it is being intellectually dishonest. I am not sure this film does as well if it was its own stand alone film and not part of the MCU.. Same could be said for Ant man, Dr, Strange, etc...
Its also being a bit dishonest if anyone is saying that this is a flop or not a big financial success.
In all honesty I am shocked this is all still being debated.
Get over it.Like I said before this thread would be 10 pages longer if the movie had flopped. All those people pretending not to care about the billion dollar box office would have been busy flooding this thread and other internet pages with gloating posts. It didn't work out for them and now they are trying to "take the high road".
Hell once storm comes into play you can say goodbye to captain marvel being the “face of the mcu” Storm was marvel’s Wonder Woman
Storm was definitely not Marvel's Wonder Woman...I've been a X-Men reader since the 1980's but sorry no...not even close...Storm did not even have her own series until 2014...you may need to research Wonder Woman a bit more.
Ah shut up. Storm was prominent in xmen and avengers and was marvel’s most iconic woman up til early 00s. No other marvel woman came close to her exposure besides Sue Storm. Just cause she didn’t have a solo title doesn’t mean she wasn’t a big name. She wasn’t as big as Wonder Woman but she was without a doubt the Wonder Woman of the marvel verse at the time. So yea you may need to research storm a bit more and get off the captain marvel merry go round.