IMO very good review/post [...]

Cheers guys. I go into all of these films -- Marvel, DC, Star Wars etc. -- with tempered expectations, a willing suspension of disbelief and a wish to be entertained and transported somewhere else for a while.
So I'm a willing fan with awareness of -- and forgiveness for -- the limitations of the genre(s). Not a hostile audience by any means, but within the context of the genre, my tastes have matured over time and I expect a baseline of quality to offset any inherent limitations or weaknesses in the material, so I'm not gonna let things slide when I know they're either cutting corners or dropping the ball.
This film has the same issues a lot of DCEU films have, it's just a question of degree. Too much in too little time = Saturday Morning Cartoon fare. With over 20 MCU films as scaffolding for this film, I feel this film was buoyed up by a lot of prior investment and good will.
My girlfriend is a very casual fan compared to us on the board, and although she also wanted to love the film, more or less agrees with my assessment.
[...] PS. Some of the uneven-ness u mention in CM tho IMO showed up in IW as well (multiple writers including James Gunn) - but IW had experienced directors too. Tho the Russos weren't "big movie experienced" at the start. But reading the "history" of TWS they seemed to have a very clear idea going in, of what they wanted to do. Also huge comic fans.
CM had what - 7 writers? and indie directors...maybe the Russos will change some stuff up in EG for CM.
Exactly. I think we may have discussed this in an Infinity War thread; IW is rad for a lot of reasons, but it also feels like one big set-up for the *actual film* we're getting later this month.
Film is extraordinarily difficult. So many things can go wrong. I've worked on indie productions that seemed so promising and for one or more reasons the final product was very dissappointing, even in the cases of some shorts winning this or that award, you're left with the sick feeling that it could have been *so much better*.
Often the problems lie with the director failing to connect with his or her actors, or in the editing room. This can be a personality thing or due to external factors like budgets and deadlines.
I'm always amazed that great films ever get made at all.