Then why are you in this thread? LOL. I certainly don't visit any thread about a topic I hate. I don't even enter threads where people I dislike post a lot in it.![]()
Cause it’s a forum and he can talk about his dislike for a movie or subject if he wants. That’s how discussions work. As long as he’s not insulting anyone he can make fun of Brie Larson as much as he wants.
I'll admit it. I hate everything about the character. I hate her stupid name and her stupid powers and her stupid blank stare. I hate how she was shoehorned in to a story that had no place for her, just for obvious political reasons. I loathe Captain Marvel.
I have nothing personal against Brie Larson. She's just some actor; I'm not gonna "hate" some stranger that I'll never meet who has zero effect on my life.
But I'll continue to despise Captain Marvel as long as they keep trying to force her on the public.
You like her? Cool. I don't. I'm on this hate train and it's going 200 mph and there's no brakes!!
She really likes those Skrulls...
She really likes those Skrulls...
That must be why she wanted knee pads on that uniform.
You're certainly entitled to your opinion, but I don't think she was shoehorned into Infinity War (post-credits) & Endgame for purely political reasons. Obviously it was done for strategic/monetary reasons as well. And setting emotions aside, it seems to have worked as the MCU intended. CM made more money than anyone predicted, while her presence didn't damage Endgame's box office in the least. And any future appearances won't be "forced", as clearly there's enough of a diverse fan base out there to support additional CM entries - even without comic book traditionalists who take exception to her character's traits, be it due to her evolution, re-creation, ret-conning or whatever.
I hate it so much, from every molecule of my body, that I don't know where I end and the hatred begins.
Dunno without the EG padding tho. If I was ever gonna go to see CM in theater, it was for the *desperation* of getting some sort of EG tidbit. Tho suspect they'll probably pad her next film up with villains and actors folks really wanna see. Plus CM didn't have a lot of competition in theater.
Still think it's a miscast with a collection of writers who aren't very good. But IMO Feige I think made his choices - target the up-and-coming audience dollars - so my wallet can breathe better. Until the Eternals, maybe.![]()
Nah, I'm just bitching on the internet like people have been doing since the early 90s.
Ya know another thing I hate about Captain Marvel? Stupid ugly uniform. Either color. It's as generic as it gets. Fitting I guess, for the most generic "hero" of all time.
Now, if I REALLY want to feel pain, I just read the TLJ threads. That's like getting all my limbs amputated and I just keep jabbing my stumps with a hot poker. It's excruciating, but I just can't stay away. I hate it so much, from every molecule of my body, that I don't know where I end and the hatred begins.
Can you like...... stop?
Why not just stop clicking on the topic if you don't like it?
Can you like...... stop?
One thing to remember is that Youtubers need content so they sometimes have hyperbolic takes on minor issues out there, all done just to keep the views up on their channels and to have a laugh or two. Problem is the counter extremists on the far left take things way too seriously so they debase, defame, and attack people who they don't want to speak their minds on the net. It's gotten so bad that far left extremists are trying to get Youtubers fired from their real jobs with defaming claims and find out where kids go to school so they can call social services to have their kids taken away. It's disturbing and borderline criminal how some extreme left ideologues are behaving.Im not one much of conspiracy theories but damn, there is a freaking movement regarding brie larson like the taylor swift movement, although i am not a hateful person i do see the signs, that if we for one second do not think that there is an agenda behind hollywood catering to be PC, feminist and full of sjw it’s obvious.
Anyways, you WILL feel the pain because she is targeting Star wars right now as we speak, it all started whenever she went with Samuel Jackson to a star wars convention where Samuel brought along his mace windu lightsaber, thensupposedly she was acting like a little kid and started taking selfies with it for social media and a lot of fans started petitioning she would be a perfect Jedi.
Fast forward to may of this year and does this photo op which gets her fans worked up so much they were literally saying she should be in Star Wars Episode X, that is not a freaking typo, yes, google it, someone wrote she should star in episode x.
Thats the link to the original article by the way
Then they the star wars community fires back by making fun of it by doing this:
Anyways fast forward to my rants about the whole Star Wars Galaxy’s edge fiasco and i ran across into a lot of videos about highly opinionated star wars fans who were deep into criticizing Disney for the obvious choices they made about butchering the star wars fandom and how they are trying to cater to the female audience, they were also calling out the death threats brie larson fans have carried out amongst other youtubers and any social media public figure who criticizes her in a negative way, some of them going as far as giving instructions on how to “mass report” them unfollowing them so they wouldn’t block them and etc,
It’s pretty bad, i have nothing against her but going back to the whole hollywood agenda, someone brought up a pretty damn good point about whats going on over there in Disneyland, the only resistance characters you will encounter there is Rey and Vi Moradi, the crazy thing is that the main focus of the upcoming opening ride Rise of the Resistance is for you to choose two sides of the resistance, to your surprise is either Rey or General Leia, which will then help you go up against Kylo, which should tell you all the men there are “bad”
Oh you can meet Chewbacca and Darth vader but you will find them on Tomorrow land lolololol and they move chewie sometimes whenever some people complained about it
Vi Moradi:
Im just saying at this rate it will get a lot worse, your hate will become an inconsolable rage that will engulf the entire planet with fury. Bob iger clearly stated he wanted to push movies like Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Etc to completely monetize on the movements going on right now and one can applaud him for believing in a keeping the brand alive, but they when they preach capitalism is bad in TLJ as rose stated, whenever a female lead sacrifices herself for the greater good when it wasn’t really needed, or when a newly trained apprentice speaks down on a jedi master, they acted shocked on why the park is deserted, then they scramble with all these last minute meetings with disney Sales parks managers to get people to head back, not to mention the problems with the RoR rfid track problems that’s causing all these delays on opening it, a lot of haters get a kick out of negative press to feed their ego’s about how much Disney is literally ruining everything you loved so dear growing up.
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Why not just stop clicking on the topic if you don't like it?