I've seen more than enough footage from bootlegs used in reviews to know that I despise this film.
As to any recent movies with a female lead that I like? Well....doubt it, cause I don't think I've truly been impressed by a movie's ingenuity in about 15 years or so. Now more than ever movies are just products with no artistic or poetic integrity. People tell me to just "turn your brain off and enjoy the spectacle." That's like saying "just get so drunk you can't think anymore and you'll laugh at anything." Spectacle? What spectacle? Rubbery, shiny, fake looking CGI people defying physics against a rubbery, fake, CGI looking background while all kinds of cut and pasted bad guy alien/robot/bugs zoom around the screen? That's a video game. That's a cartoon. I don't think that's a spectacle and sure as hell don't consider that a