Captain Marvel - March 8, 2019

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I'd rather watch this gif of Gal dancing with that big charming smile on her face every time rather than Brie Larson trying to be all "sexy" and "seductive" despite the fact that Brie's nearly naked.

Gal has just natural beauty, grace, feminine can't look at her dancing as Wonder Woman and not have it melt your heart.

Brie on the other hand is not far from her character; a space alien that doesn't understand humans and is attempting to fake it enough to be accepted as one of us.

The thing I appreciated most about Wonder Woman is that she didn't have to put other people down to make herself look cool. It would have been so easy for the movie to paint her squad as a bunch of incompetent sexist idiots and her as the only smart person "because girl power", but instead she stood right alongside her partners, recognized and respected the contributions they made to the mission while they in turn recognized and respected her. All of them, including her, were flawed human beings (for lack of a better word) but they allowed the best of each other to shine through when it came to standing up for the greater good. To me, this is genuine gender equality.

Compare this to Captain Marvel, who had no discernable personality flaws (or personality at all for that matter), blamed her inability to live up to her potential on every other person around her holding her back, projected palpable levels of off putting arrogance, and sternly condescended every single male character around her. Even the eternal bad@$$ Nick Fury was at times reduced to a comedic sidekick who practically worships the ground she walks on.
The thing I appreciated most about Wonder Woman is that she didn't have to put other people down to make herself look cool. It would have been so easy for the movie to paint her squad as a bunch of incompetent sexist idiots and her as the only smart person "because girl power", but instead she stood right alongside her partners, recognized and respected the contributions they made to the mission while they in turn recognized and respected her. All of them, including her, were flawed human beings (for lack of a better word) but they allowed the best of each other to shine through when it came to standing up for the greater good. To me, this is genuine gender equality.

Compare this to Captain Marvel, who had no discernable personality flaws (or personality at all for that matter), blamed her inability to live up to her potential on every other person around her holding her back, projected palpable levels of off putting arrogance, and sternly condescended every single male character around her. Even the eternal bad@$$ Nick Fury was at times reduced to a comedic sidekick who practically worships the ground she walks on.

Your spot on, my friend.


The thing I appreciated most about Wonder Woman is that she didn't have to put other people down to make herself look cool. It would have been so easy for the movie to paint her squad as a bunch of incompetent sexist idiots and her as the only smart person "because girl power", but instead she stood right alongside her partners, recognized and respected the contributions they made to the mission while they in turn recognized and respected her. All of them, including her, were flawed human beings (for lack of a better word) but they allowed the best of each other to shine through when it came to standing up for the greater good. To me, this is genuine gender equality.

Compare this to Captain Marvel, who had no discernable personality flaws (or personality at all for that matter), blamed her inability to live up to her potential on every other person around her holding her back, projected palpable levels of off putting arrogance, and sternly condescended every single male character around her. Even the eternal bad@$$ Nick Fury was at times reduced to a comedic sidekick who practically worships the ground she walks on.

Shadow nailed it.

I agree with everything said regarding WW and how her character interacted with the rest of her squad, but when it comes to CM I think you guys watched a different movie than I did. The people around her (the Kree Supreme Intelligence, Yon-Rogg, Minn-Erva) WERE holding her back, as they were only interested in either finding a way to extract her power and/or using her to find the Tesseract. And once she figured that out, she seemed to work with Fury and Talos just fine. And "eternal bad@$$ Nick Fury" hadn't become "eternal bad@$$ Nick Fury" yet, so that comment doesn't track. Hell, about the only other male character she interacted with was the @sshole biker, and she just ignored him (unless we're counting the DELETED SCENE). It's fine to dislike the character/movie, but maybe try doing so without all the hyperbole?
Hyperbole? I thought they were being quite respectful and tactful.

I'd have used much harsher language to describe her character. Especially what she did to that guy for merely try to ask her out. She committed felonies and we're supposed to woop and say "You go girl!" The scene may have not been in the movie, but I still saw it, and it still summed up everything about her.

I'd love to say more but there's language filters here. And then the usual troll that only posts about SJW cause du jours and has never actually mentioned liking a toy or movie or comic book will try to get people banned.

So yeah. I'm just gonna watch Gal dance and keep my mouth shut.
I agree with everything said regarding WW and how her character interacted with the rest of her squad, but when it comes to CM I think you guys watched a different movie than I did. The people around her (the Kree Supreme Intelligence, Yon-Rogg, Minn-Erva) WERE holding her back, as they were only interested in either finding a way to extract her power and/or using her to find the Tesseract. And once she figured that out, she seemed to work with Fury and Talos just fine.
You don't see a problem with the only discernable obstacle or challenge in the movie being that other people's negativity is holding her back from being even more arrogant than she was in the beginning? Its like all of the annoying qualities of Tony Stark but without the charm or moments of self-reflection.

And "eternal bad@$$ Nick Fury" hadn't become "eternal bad@$$ Nick Fury" yet, so that comment doesn't track.
And why exactly was Nick Fury (already by then a full bird army colonel and respected SHIELD agent) anything other than a badass? Why exactly is the same guy who had no problem calling out Tony Stark and Steve Rogers on their crap still to this day referring to Captain Marvel with reverence as someone whose name "shouldn't be invoked"?

Hell, about the only other male character she interacted with was the @sshole biker, and she just ignored him (unless we're counting the DELETED SCENE). It's fine to dislike the character/movie, but maybe try doing so without all the hyperbole?
So every male she interacted with in the movie was either antagonistic or patronized? Some optics there.
Haven't seen this it the steaming pile Im hearing it is or what?
Probably wait for Netflix for it at this stage...only MCU bluray i dont have.
You don't see a problem with the only discernable obstacle or challenge in the movie being that other people's negativity is holding her back from being even more arrogant than she was in the beginning? Its like all of the annoying qualities of Tony Stark but without the charm or moments of self-reflection.

And why exactly was Nick Fury (already by then a full bird army colonel and respected SHIELD agent) anything other than a badass? Why exactly is the same guy who had no problem calling out Tony Stark and Steve Rogers on their crap still to this day referring to Captain Marvel with reverence as someone whose name "shouldn't be invoked"?

So every male she interacted with in the movie was either antagonistic or patronized? Some optics there.

Well, that's your interpretation of events. I saw it as their deception (not negativity) keeping her from exploring/understanding her powers and why she had them. And it seemed to me that early in the film, rather than arrogance, it was her human, wise-cracking nature that was leaking out despite her Kree training. But she was an Air Force pilot, so I acknowledge there would be some arrogance in the mix. But I didn't find it overt or off-putting. But (obviously) your results may vary. :lol

Regarding the Fury quote that CM's name shouldn't be invoked, I assume you're referring to SMFFH. That actually turned out to be Talos, not Fury, and as she did prevent his family & friends from being massacred, I think a little reverence is understandable.
It’s not that bad. It’s forgettable . And there’s not a lot of man bashing either. Maybe like two scenes .
The thing I appreciated most about Wonder Woman is that she didn't have to put other people down to make herself look cool. It would have been so easy for the movie to paint her squad as a bunch of incompetent sexist idiots and her as the only smart person "because girl power", but instead she stood right alongside her partners, recognized and respected the contributions they made to the mission while they in turn recognized and respected her. All of them, including her, were flawed human beings (for lack of a better word) but they allowed the best of each other to shine through when it came to standing up for the greater good. To me, this is genuine gender equality.

Compare this to Captain Marvel, who had no discernable personality flaws (or personality at all for that matter), blamed her inability to live up to her potential on every other person around her holding her back, projected palpable levels of off putting arrogance, and sternly condescended every single male character around her. Even the eternal bad@$$ Nick Fury was at times reduced to a comedic sidekick who practically worships the ground she walks on.

Marvel is back to depicting CM as Sebastian Bach or Axl Rose, in the new Female-Driven Anthology Series " Fearless". And yes, it's awful. (Don't let the cover art fool you!)




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