Captain Marvel - March 8, 2019

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Boy are you wrong on this one lol

Did you see Epic’s earnings just from Fortnite, 3 billion for 2018!

Every kid buys those season passes at $25 a pop.

The entire multiplayer game industry is switching over to Battle Royal game styles.

The mighty Respawn Entertainment just released their Apex Legends BR game.

Yes but the game would t of nearly been as popular if it wasn’t free. Yea they can sell all the micro transactions and pretty skins so the kids can use mom and dads credit card to look cool and get the dance moves but at the end of the day it was a free game anyone can get and play. Had it been a regular 60 dollar game it wouldn’t of blown it as big as it did. Plus I’m old now but idc I played with both friends and teens on the game is absolutely boring. Just wandering around a huge map looking and searching.

Plus BR is a huge fad. Probably the most boring way to play a video game. Wandering around a huge map til u die then it’s over and done
To be fair showing the lead character more than once on the poster isn't exactly unprecedented.

Nope... three times on this oldie...


There's likely some old James Bond posters that have that beat too.
Cap is over powered forget Ultron that was easy he held back Thanos’s gauntlet with all the stones, and we cheer. :clap

CM gets a “Her/Hero” with no proof that she will be Superman and 50% of fans are ready to boycott the MCU. :lol

Jeez can we watch the damn movie first before jumping off a cliff lol
Cap is over powered forget Ultron that was easy he held back Thanos’s gauntlet with all the stones, and we cheer. :clap

CM gets a “Her/Hero” with no proof that she will be Superman and 50% of fans are ready to boycott the MCU. :lol

Jeez can we watch the damn movie first before jumping off a cliff lol

Cap is over powered forget Ultron that was easy he held back Thanos’s gauntlet with all the stones, and we cheer. :clap

CM gets a “Her/Hero” with no proof that she will be Superman and 50% of fans are ready to boycott the MCU. :lol

Jeez can we watch the damn movie first before jumping off a cliff lol

No. Thanos didn't point the Gauntlet at Cap and vanish him etc. Hulk fought Thanos and lost, IM fought Thanos and lost, Cap fought and lost. Thanos is beatable if there's a team working at it. So u don't need CM. There's a lot of stories I could think up off the top of my head that would work. Doesn't Nebula flat-out steal the Gauntlet in the comics?

That's the sucky part for me:(. Stuffing characters into anything for no reason except hoped-for future sales. Plus, the Grandmaster in the comics already has a history w. Thanos. I'd love to see a really angry Grandmaster who could've been brought in by Thor, Loki, Valkyrie....don't tell me with all that stuff in the Sanctums there isn't something that couldn't be useful, etc.

Unless you want to write *&&% in 'coz you're desperate to keep the dollars rolling in and decide you're gonna milk the original 10 year characters:mad: to do it. Hopefully.
How many people will go to this hoping for 20 seconds of an End Game credit scene?

For me anyway what's the point. A character I had no interest in with 3 boring trailers, boring tag line, and seems like MCU's first lead miscast:google. Sucking up screen time from characters I'm invested in, in a movie that has a huge amount of ground to cover. Since that's a given, no point in rushing to a theater over CM. Bad enough there'll probably be some speech from CM in End Game in that little girl voice and then she'll set her hair on fire 'coz of the POWAH....guess the original 10-year cast can just kick back w. some beer.:chug

“If you had the collector cards of the Marvel characters and you could see the power levels, she would be off the charts compared to anyone that we’ve previously introduced in a film. With Captain Marvel, who has powers that approach a level that we haven’t seen before in our films, you need to counter- balance that by finding somebody who is also very human and very relatable and can get into a groove with the audience, where they’re willing to see her fly through the sun and punch a moon away from a spacecraft. At the same time, we need her to land and have relatable flaws. Brie is a person you’re going to want to go on this journey with, just like Benedict or Robert or Chris Pratt.”
Sassa you have always been a fine bloke but that is just too much negativity for me.

Am I sooooo pumped for the one two punch of CM and AEG!

Now had it been WW2 you were negative about I would be right there with you lol
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Sassa you have always been a fine bloke but that is just too much negativity for me.

Am I sooooo pumped for the one two punch of CM and AEG!

10 years, jye....10 years, hundreds of dollars in collectibles...

Made a whole day of IW premiere - got TWO Thanos on Throne POPS from Hot Topic (TWO!!!!), got an Infinity War shirt from Disney, taught my bro what "Yibambe" means over a tex-mex lunch, made sure my new Hasbro Gauntlet was working...even have a Gauntlet keychain


It's FAMILY...I can't even....:monkey2:monkey2:monkey2:cool:

But I'll tone it down for yah. No reason to *&^% on folks' enthusiasm...nothin' I can do anyway. Not like the Russos have me on speed dial. Besides, I've got the BW movie to look forward to.

What's up w. WW2? Must've missed something....who knows tho, I come from a "DC house" - maybe DC will rise...haven't paid a lot of attention to DC lately tho.:dunno
Comics and movies are different media. They will milk the 10 year veterans, because they are the top billed stars that movie fans are invested in. Doesn't matter how many characters are in the Lord of the Rings books, the power play huge spots will always fall back on to Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas, even when that particular plot line went to another elf in the book. Frodo is not only much younger, but much more heroic in the movie than on the book..

Who came and saved the day when The Vision and Scarlet Witch got blind sided by the Black Order?.. Captain fricken America and Black Widow of course (and I suppose throw in Sam Wilson).. Those two should have been the two most powerful people on Earth at that time, but conveniently write a way for second billed Cap to save the day. And Captain Marvel coming into Endgame. Sure, she'll be powerful and important, like The Vision in AOU, but it's still going to be the original Avengers, particularly the Big 3..

No matter what happens in the next movie, nobody is paying money to watch Bree come in and mop up Thanos in an Avenger movie..
No. Thanos didn't point the Gauntlet at Cap and vanish him etc. Hulk fought Thanos and lost, IM fought Thanos and lost, Cap fought and lost. Thanos is beatable if there's a team working at it. So u don't need CM. There's a lot of stories I could think up off the top of my head that would work. Doesn't Nebula flat-out steal the Gauntlet in the comics?

She stole the gauntlet from Thanos because he left his body behind and became one with the universe.

the Grandmaster in the comics already has a history w. Thanos. I'd love to see a really angry Grandmaster who could've been brought in by Thor, Loki, Valkyrie....don't tell me with all that stuff in the Sanctums there isn't something that couldn't be useful, etc.

The Grandmaster is one of the biggest disappointments so far in the MCU. He's supposed to be a very powerful character, but in the movie, he's just some guy, no powers, just some emperor type character like in Roman times. Even Loki has become just some guy...using little magical knives...wut?

And yes, Grandmaster does have a history with Thanos. He had one of the Infinity stones, and Thanos took it from him....without using a single Infinity stone. That's one of the things I don't like about movie Thanos, he got most if not all of the stones by either fighting or using brute strength. He didn't outsmart anyone or use other tactics.

She stole the gauntlet from Thanos because he left his body behind and became one with the universe.

The Grandmaster is one of the biggest disappointments so far in the MCU. He's supposed to be a very powerful character, but in the movie, he's just some guy, no powers, just some emperor type character like in Roman times. Even Loki has become just some guy...using little magical knives...wut?

And yes, Grandmaster does have a history with Thanos. He had one of the Infinity stones, and Thanos took it from him....without using a single Infinity stone. That's one of the things I don't like about movie Thanos, he got most if not all of the stones by either fighting or using brute strength. He didn't outsmart anyone or use other tactics.

Thanx for the info!

But - re the Grandmaster - that's one of the things that I thought could've been cool. IF Marvel had wanted to go that way. I like the idea of an outwardly playful, corrupt, Grandmaster being something else entirely - he IS an Elder of the Universe. I liked the idea of what the Grandmaster really is, is something so powerful and "above" that to him, the Decimation is just the loss of some pawns in the opening of a game with Thanos.

The kind of thing that would really get on Cap's nerves:devil, and a real twist from the Grandmaster in Ragnarok.

Yeah, well, I was hoping for more of an actually "mad" grinning Titan, crunching across the bones of the fallen...guess that would have lost the family audience real quick tho.:monkey3

Comics and movies are different media. They will milk the 10 year veterans, because they are the top billed stars that movie fans are invested in. Doesn't matter how many characters are in the Lord of the Rings books, the power play huge spots will always fall back on to Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas, even when that particular plot line went to another elf in the book. Frodo is not only much younger, but much more heroic in the movie than on the book..

Who came and saved the day when The Vision and Scarlet Witch got blind sided by the Black Order?.. Captain fricken America and Black Widow of course (and I suppose throw in Sam Wilson).. Those two should have been the two most powerful people on Earth at that time, but conveniently write a way for second billed Cap to save the day. And Captain Marvel coming into Endgame. Sure, she'll be powerful and important, like The Vision in AOU, but it's still going to be the original Avengers, particularly the Big 3..

No matter what happens in the next movie, nobody is paying money to watch Bree come in and mop up Thanos in an Avenger movie..

Good points. Had been looking forward to seeing SW come into her own. I guess they showed that - kind of. For me it's interesting to think re IW that *maybe* she could've fought getting dusted, but was just so done at that point.