Captain Marvel - March 8, 2019

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Is she boasting about what she can do with that fist she just rubber gloved?

Well in all fairness, that tag line has been attached to her comic character for quite some time - it wasn't dreamed up for the movie. Of course that doesn't make it any less goofy...

View attachment 443079

They left out the MORE :lol

Ok fair enough i’ll give the win to Marvel lol

She looks cool in that international poster though I like that.

Any fan of the MCU has to be OUT OF THEIR FREAKING MIND if they’re not excited for the one two punch of CM and AEG!

Girl power, further, faster, bored expressions, weak trailers I DON’T GIVE A FLYING DUCK BRING THEM ON!!!!

I’m not about to get bored of the MCU on the home stretch for this particular 11 year arc!
They left out the MORE :lol

Ok fair enough i’ll give the win to Marvel lol

She looks cool in that international poster though I like that.

Any fan of the MCU has to be OUT OF THEIR FREAKING MIND if they’re not excited for the one two punch of CM and AEG!

Girl power, further, faster, bored expressions, weak trailers I DON’T GIVE A FLYING DUCK BRING THEM ON!!!!

I’m not about to get bored of the MCU on the home stretch for this particular 11 year arc!

I know, right? Between concluding the current arc and setting up the next phase of the MCU, these are not to be missed.
Any and all chances I was going to give this movie went out the window the moment I heard this was "activism" for her. And she's being dubbed the "ultimate Feminist hero". "Her-o" was bad enough, but this? Nah, I'm done, bring on Endgame already.
All of these movies have been team efforts. I doubt CM will be the only one to stop him or whatever.

That’s a great point.

While good story telling and character building should always take priority over forced agendas i’m also not going to throw a hissy fit and boycott the MCU because of one character from out of over 30 even if her powers are given a special spotlight.

I can prove to you right now why Marvel WON’T have CM be the most powerful end all be all solution against ALL enemies!

Because they know they need to keep making movies to make money and they can’t do that if they have CM easily save the day every single time!

Marvel is NOT DC it’s not in their DNA to have a PERFECT superhero.

Marvel CLEARLY SEES what happened to the DC cinematic universe!

Marvel has succeeded in making me walk into AEG really caring about all of their characters and that includes a freaking cgi Racoon so that says alot about that success.

I fully trust that the Russo’s will respect each individual character especially their prized possession, Cap!

Boycott the MCU just because of “Her” and “Hero”, really?

Sorry but my spine and confidence in myself says otherwise.

I’m only depriving myself of seeing that 11 year investment come to its final fruition and for what just to pound my chest and prove my masculinity, to who I ask because I certainly don’t need that verification.

So at the end i’ll only be punishing myself by boycotting the MCU.

Boy did I SHOW THEM didn’t I! :slap