MCU Whore
Obviously, that will depend on how well it does globally, but it's currently tracking for an approximate domestic run of $440 million.
Are you talking about the pictures too?
I’m only depriving myself of seeing that 11 year investment come to its final fruition and for what just to pound my chest and prove my masculinity, to who I ask because I certainly don’t need that verification.
It's not about your or anyone's masculinity, it's all about extremists trying to influence the public to their agenda using popular media. They don't want to just entertain you, they want to make you think the way they do.
It's not about your or anyone's masculinity, it's all about extremists trying to influence the public to their agenda using popular media. They don't want to just entertain you, they want to make you think the way they do.
She's on the poster twice?
Who exactly are these extremists to which you refer? This will be the first of 21 MCU movies to have a female lead, so if you're referring to Marvel they sure took their sweet time rolling out this so-called "agenda". Maybe I missed all the subliminal messages in the first 20 films.
As for them wanting to change your way of thinking....
I didn't know they allowed Trolls in the Empire.
I don't have any issue with any comic movie featuring a female lead. I would've gladly taken a movie featuring Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, or She Hulk, to name a few of the female characters Marvel has access to at the moment.
But Carol Danvers Captain Marvel has been a character infested with agenda.
The extreme leftists working at Marvel Comics over the last few years have been pushing "progressive" agendas in their comics starting with pushing out and intentionally not employing conservative creative people and hiring left leaning people who often have no experience in comics and in some instances no knowledge or even interest in comics into editorial or creative positions at Marvel Comics. Then discarding the old well established popular Marvel characters in favor of more diverse characters as replacements. Making Ms. Marvel- Captain Marvel and pushing the character as the most powerful, central important character in the 616 MU is one of those agendas. That's why they're making this movie about a character the majority of Marvel fans hate btw. They've pushed left leaning agendas in their stories. They've forced artists to stop drawing female heroes in sexy looking costumes and poses. And in some cases radically changed long established characters into something they're absolutely not, such as making Captain America a sleeper agent Nazi and making Iceman gay.
All done in a short period of time with a clear agenda, not good story writing and character creation.
The end result is Marvel Comics has now become the no. 2 comic publisher, behind DC Comics. Comic Book sales have plummeted, especially Marvel Comics. Comic book stores are closing, people are loosing their businesses. Conservative writers and artists can't get work and have been essentially black listed, And now Marvel is farming out their characters to be published by a rival comic book publisher IDW, unheard of in Marvel's history. Marvel's sales are in such a steep decline it's possible Marvel Comics might not be publishing new comics in the future.
As for the MCU, that agenda is coming to a theater soon....
It's not just at Marvel Comics, Hollywood has also become a left agenda pushing business and anti conservative.
Especially with the hiring of Brie Larson who has stated an agenda of using Captain Marvel to push her form of activism.
“The movie was the biggest and best opportunity I could have ever asked for. It was, like, my superpower. This could be my form of activism: doing a film that can play all over the world and be in more places than I can be physically.”
Which is stop hiring people on merit and start hiring people who are female and not white.
Wow I had no idea they were selling that poorly. Not surprised- at $4 each or whatever I just laugh ….
Every kid that hangs out with my son exists in a visual virtual ecosystem reading for fun is non existent.
I ferociously read comics as a kid because there was no internet, no videogames and no cgi to offer realistic spectacular worlds filled with superheroes.
Action figures don’t sell, comic books don’t sell.
Fortnite sells!
cgi cartoons sells!
Every kid that hangs out with my son exists in a visual virtual ecosystem reading for fun is non existent.
I ferociously read comics as a kid because there was no internet, no videogames and no cgi to offer realistic spectacular worlds filled with superheroes.
Action figures don’t sell, comic books don’t sell.
Fortnite sells!
cgi cartoons sells!
This tired old argument is constantly used to say Star Wars is dead today do not play even remotely like we did as children.
Just the same as we didn’t play with Howdy Doody, decoder rings or Lone Ranger ......
Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Pfft fortnite only sells cause it’s a free game and drake played it. Nobody would give it the time of day if it wasn’t free. It’s a great game to keep the kids occupied without spending any money.