Captain Marvel - March 8, 2019

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Nothing like alienating your paying customers there Brie lol

I was aware of her Indy/Ripley comments but I was not aware of her white men comments so I went and looked it up.

It had to do with Wrinkle in Time she said that while she has no problems with “white dudes” she feels that movie reviews are too heavily dominated by white men and white women and that some movies require reviews from other perspectives so she wanted to do her part on adding diversity to that landscape or something like that.

I bet all of this stems from her childhood traumatic experience of her father leaving her, her sister and mother when she was 7.

I’m going to be there first show opening night because of the MCU/AEG and not because of the CM character it could’ve been Adam Warlock and I would still be going.

While I have no problems with Marvel wanting their own female lead movie (I think Wasp beat her to it, no) they are going about it the wrong way by letting her say all these dumb silly things.

If a bunch of white men and women trashed a Wrinkle in Time it’s because it probably deserved it I mean all those white men and women reviewers just finished praising the hell out of BP so what’s the problem then.

Rian Johnson must be happy CM is finally opening up lol

At least he tried something different she’s just a babbling mess.
There is no issues if someone trash talks a film they don't like film is subjective. I did not like Suicide squad do i have all dc movies? I did not like thor 2 do i hate all marvel movies? I did not like the new Ghostbusters do i hate all female led movies? Newsflash you can not like a movie because its actually a crap movie.

Her comments though are not subjective they are stupid and pushing her agenda and that has no place in movies.
And because the left doesn't do nuance anymore and simultaneously considers themselves the bastion of morality and justice - everyone in here just became the evil 'far right' for taking this position. Sigh.

Yep. Remember back in 2003 when Matrix Reloaded came out and 90% of the new characters introduced in Zion were women or people of color/minorities. Did the cast and crew openly brag about it beforehand? Or say one word about it after it was released? Nope, not a peep. They simply went ahead and released a film with one of the most diverse casts for any genre film ever and let the movie speak for itself.

Yup, and people hated the film :chase


The Matrix movies exactly prove the point I was making, thanks for that Khev, I didn't even have an example in mind.
Gadot and Larson couldn't be more opposite from one another. The very announcement of Gadot as WW created an enormous backlash but she turned it all around by fully committing to the role and meeting fans of all shapes, sizes, and colors with an infectious ear to ear grin. Compared to Larson who stepped into the role with a built in audience in her corner but went out of her way to create her own backlash out of thin air with her seething contempt and bigotry. Contempt and bigotry that she proudly flaunts as virtue no less.

For me this isn't about politics. I never expect Hollywood actors to agree with me politically. I just don't have any interest in spending my time and money supporting stars who are open jackasses to their own audiences. It's not a feminine/masculine thing, I was leaning toward watching Trank's FF in the theater until Michael B. Jordan's comment about not caring what fans thought since "they're all going to show up anyway." Yeah that would be a no.

He came around though and I was happy show up for his performances in Creed I/II and BP. But Larson can shove it as far as I'm concerned. She did nothing to build this cinematic universe and is stepping in as if she, not Thanos or IW/Endgame, is what the entire last 10 years have been building toward. I'll catch her in AEG because I trust that the Russos will deal with her **** properly but as of right now I can't picture myself condescending to pay for a CM ticket.

And I was 100% openly on board when the first CM trailer aired.

But lets be very clear here. Brie has her opinions, and its clear they are not what fans , especially of this genre, want to hear.

But this film is NOT about BL. Its about MCU and a character in MCU. Literally hundreds of people made this film, millions invested, and your boycotting it based on one persons comments?

What about supporting the genre itself? Its the same with Star Wars. Why are we reacting to a single film , and in many cases , a single persons view, which affects the film, and by extension, the larger universe?

Do I think any single film could harm the MCU? No. But the constant need to be “outraged” that our society has seemed to have adopted is just plain annoying. (On both sides) .

Why not ignore the real world “agenda” and see the film and support it on its MERITS. After all, this agenda is not the agenda of all the people who rely on the film to make money. I would be its actually a small number of the upper echelon who seem to feel the need to use films as a political platform.

I really miss the days where we were free of opinions before a film released and you could go and see it without the now predictable “agenda” and “backlash” we seem to be looking for everywhere.

I mean if people were not looking for these type of comments from an actor/director/producer there would be not controversy ....and we could all get back to going to see a film without some sort of negative outlook because of the culture wars we seem to want to engage in.

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
^ First 2 trailers did ZERO to hype me for this movie. Now her mouth has sealed the deal.

The only pull we have is voting with our wallets.
But she is at fault here Xipo she is just making some really idiotic statements i’m shocked her agency and Disney hasn’t nipped it yet because she is sounding very clueless.

I never jumped onboard the TLJ hate train because RJ was speaking thru his art but Brie is just vomiting out stupid **** with no artistic merit.

However she is NOT important enough for me to RUIN 11 years of the MCU especially AEG and since her movie is integral to AEG I will absolutely be there regardless of her dumb ideas.

It’s like shut up already you’re making yourself look stoopid.
But lets be very clear here. Brie has her opinions, and its clear they are not what fans , especially of this genre, want to hear.

But this film is NOT about BL. Its about MCU and a character in MCU. Literally hundreds of people made this film, millions invested, and your boycotting it based on one persons comments?

What about supporting the genre itself? Its the same with Star Wars. Why are we reacting to a single film , and in many cases , a single persons view, which affects the film, and by extension, the larger universe?

Do I think any single film could harm the MCU? No. But the constant need to be “outraged” that our society has seemed to have adopted is just plain annoying. (On both sides) .

Why not ignore the real world “agenda” and see the film and support it on its MERITS. After all, this agenda is not the agenda of all the people who rely on the film to make money. I would be its actually a small number of the upper echelon who seem to feel the need to use films as a political platform.

I really miss the days where we were free of opinions before a film released and you could go and see it without the now predictable “agenda” and “backlash” we seem to be looking for everywhere.

I mean if people were not looking for these type of comments from an actor/director/producer there would be not controversy ....and we could all get back to going to see a film without some sort of negative outlook because of the culture wars we seem to want to engage in.

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....

Well said.

But she is at fault here Xipo she is just making some really idiotic statements i’m shocked her agency and Disney hasn’t nipped it yet because she is sounding very clueless.

I never jumped onboard the TLJ hate train because RJ was speaking thru his art but Brie is just vomiting out stupid **** with no artistic merit.

However she is NOT important enough for me to RUIN 11 years of the MCU especially AEG and since her movie is integral to AEG I will absolutely be there regardless of her dumb ideas.

It’s like shut up already you’re making yourself look stoopid.

In the past I'm sure that between her agents, Disney and Feige someone would have counselled her to tone it down, but in this day and age the last thing they probably want to do is have it seem like they're stifling her free speech. That would be like walking a tightrope if they are unsure how she'd react, especially when they've got so much invested in her success. Hopefully she keeps her opinions in check from now until the movie opens & concentrates on selling the film to all moviegoers.
Xipotec is certainly correct in that outrage, AKA snowflakism exists on both sides and it's an annoying situation. But I don't think the left would accept having any culpability in it. From what I observe about them (I exist among them, Ireland is very left leaning now) they believe they are right about everything and that any opposition is racism, misogyny and bigotry by its very nature. Opposition to their lofty position cannot possibly be anything else in their view. This arrogant presumption of having the moral high ground in all things offends people - so we have what we have. :dunno
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Yes outrage addiction has been a real thing since the 2016 elections, and pretty much the exclusive domain of one particular political party/ideological group.

But to say that passing on a flick because the lead actress' virtue signalling bigotry is a form of snowflakeism is quite the stretch there IMO. If you walked up to a Burger King and the manager was standing outside shouting "Finally we offer fast food burgers at an affordable price! Never has this happened in history! But please don't come if you're a white male!" would you just shrug and say "I'm no snowflake" and proudly walk in and order your burger? You certainly could if you wanted to but I'd definitely be more inclined to shake my head, laugh at the screaming idiot, and drive across the street to McDonald's.

I don't need Captain Marvel. I'll catch her in AEG and I assume that she won't be offensive. But she's drawn a line in the sand with her own flick so I'm fine just shrugging my shoulders and catching Alita instead. If jye says there's an awesome AEG reference then I might get "lost" on my way out of the theater from Alita and wander into a CM showing by mistake to see what it's all about, lol.
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Parents divorce left her and her sister and mom almost homeless, check.

No brothers, check.

Told by a white male acting teacher she would amount to nobody, check.

Has been hurt from a previous relationship with a white male, check.

Gee I wonder how she became radicalized against white men lol
Okay well if she comes clean and admits that she wrongly reacted to all that like Liam Neeson did then it will be all well and good. Nobody will care about this movie either way when AEG hits so this will all be a thing of the past soon enough.

As for Brie herself Disney should have mandated that for every hour she speaks to the press she needs to spend 2-3 hours speaking to a therapist.
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I'm gonna try to make this my last posting on the matter because it does all get quite tiresome no matter where you stand

Far-right, white supremacist bigot here

Yeah I agree it’s not worth obsessing over.

I much prefer focus on AEG and hopefully the Russo’s integrated her where the entire team is respected.
Yeah, agreed. Not much more to say at this point other than bring on AEG. It's just so bizarre that Larson went full "2016 Ghostbusters" when there wasn't a backlash against her casting or movie in the first place. She literally went out of her way to create one. But eh, like you said, that's crazy for you. Hopefully Feige will live and learn with that one.

I don't think that the Russos are particularly in love with her with the way they spoke out this week about depowering her for AEG in order to keep things interesting when they have absolutely zero problems taking characters that they actually like like Cap and making him practically equal with Thanos, lol.
But she is at fault here Xipo she is just making some really idiotic statements i’m shocked her agency and Disney hasn’t nipped it yet because she is sounding very clueless.

I never jumped onboard the TLJ hate train because RJ was speaking thru his art but Brie is just vomiting out stupid **** with no artistic merit.

However she is NOT important enough for me to RUIN 11 years of the MCU especially AEG and since her movie is integral to AEG I will absolutely be there regardless of her dumb ideas.

It’s like shut up already you’re making yourself look stoopid.

Oh I agree, her statements are her own. But I think its unfair to punish the movie for a single actors statements. Man if I boycotted every business or product where one of the employees said stupid stuff, I would end up naked and cold living on the street

I also do NOT think the moral outrage is leftist at all.

Most of the “white male” boycotting to me seems to come from far right conservatives.....

They are out raged at the lefts outrage.

Its both sides.

Who started it isn’t of relevance now. We could go back in history to debate were this began and end up in the same circle jerk we have now.

I basically go see a movie if it looks entertaining, thats all. This one looks kinda boring.

Think Ill go see How to Train your Dragon 3 instead.

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Oh I agree, her statements are her own. But I think its unfair to punish the movie for a single actors statements. Man if I boycotted every business or product where one of the employees said stupid stuff, I would end up naked and cold living on the street

But if you also insisted on purchasing a ticket to every movie ever made, without having your own standards for where you pick and choose to spend your hard earned money, then you'd also end up broke and living in the street. So I wouldn't recommend the opposite extreme either. ;)
Xipo, you echo my thoughts exactly. Brie's comments are downright stupid, but I can easily dismiss them. Though I happen to be one of the very people she's rallying against (white male), it doesn't change the fact that I support the MCU, Feige, and this ride they've taken us on so far. I'll be there opening night (hell, I already have tickets for two showings), and if the movie itself ends up being a letdown, then it'll be one of the few MCU offerings that I don't re-watch an absolutely stupid amount of times.