Captain Marvel - March 8, 2019

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Yep, totally agree. And Gadot weathered months of online ridicule for being too skinny prior to the release of BvS and she handled it with total class and never once lashed out a single fan or category of fans.

Who would have ever thought we’d be holding Gal up as the example of what to aspire to when she was cast as WW and the hatestorm ensued. But she’s just so genuinely charming that you can’t help but like her. She even handled all the comments of her having ‘no boobs’ with pure class.

I also can’t believe she looks more buff in that no man’s land scene you posted than Brie does in this flick or the training videos :lol


Meanwhile, in other Brie news:

She’s helped setup/endorsed a gofundme charity that is raising money for girls. I was thinking alright, maybe she’s finally putting her money where her mouth is, and doing good.

But the charity isn’t to help girls who need food/shelter/opportunities/therapy etc, it’s just to buy tickets to go see her movie. (And boys are obviously not being helped)

It’s raised $50,000 up to this point, but she hasn’t donated a single cent herself thus far. It’s all regular Joe Schmoe’s who’ve given the money which is going to go straight into Disney’s coffers, further upping its box office as well. Keep in mind she earned a $5million payday for this flick.

Meanwhile she’s posting pics of expensive custom handbags with her name embroidered on them to Instagram as well as expensive shoes etc while talking about helping out girls on said charity on her Twitter, as well as saying they need more opportunities

So they’re paying for all of it, but calling her a hero for it

As to the box office bit - Bob Iger announced awhile ago that Disney would be buying a ton of tickets for grade school girls to see the movie as well (though we don’t know how many), so the box office on this one is going to be a bit skewed no matter what at this point between both things.
I am so turned off with this movie. With Bree and her no emotion acting, the computer game cgi in space and this movement that Bree is pushing i am really turned off. Bring on end game have no interest in this crap.

I feel the same- feel like totally manipulating the media into backing this because of her . Looks very meh to me- might turn out just fine but box office will be interesting on this..
Won’t be seeing this in the theater.
I feel Kathleen Kennedy should get a producing credit on this, it’s got her vibe.
Bree needs to come back down to earth, her stoic girl power acting ain’t gonna keep her aloft with fans.
Its divisive to favor any gender or race to promote a movie and I hope Disney and Marvel get the message from receipts.
Given her vocal feelings, a white male reporter should ask her if she still wants money earned by white males to buy her movie tickets and action figures.
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You know, idk what to say anymore. Both extremes are hard at work while I’m here just trying to enjoy what is presented before me
This is the first time i am not looking forward to a Feigi marvel movie (yes there is a few i did not like but i still did look forward to them). And to be honest i feel a bit down.
I think they could easily satisfy everyone AND do what they want to do as far as diversity if they simply stop talking about it like white men are a problem - or worse, the problem.

****ing do it and shut up. Easy. They might just be surprised.
Yep, totally agree. And Gadot weathered months of online ridicule for being too skinny prior to the release of BvS and she handled it with total class and never once lashed out a single fan or category of fans.

:lol :lol

Come on everyone, we're skipping out on Ms. Marvel!



:lol :lol

:lol :lol

Khev the gif looks like Grace although I know its a man singing safety dance. They have the same hair.
I try to filter all the social media nonsense in all reality. If the film is good I don’t give a rats ass whats the director / star / studio have to say about the politics....

While its fun to poke at the weird things Hollywood gets up to, its far to serious a topic for some folks who seem to think white male power is on the decline...

Thats just laughable.

And the vitriol and tin foil hat stuff is sorta scary.

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Who would have ever thought we’d be holding Gal up as the example of what to aspire to when she was cast as WW and the hatestorm ensued. But she’s just so genuinely charming that you can’t help but like her. She even handled all the comments of her having ‘no boobs’ with pure class.

Gadot and Larson couldn't be more opposite from one another. The very announcement of Gadot as WW created an enormous backlash but she turned it all around by fully committing to the role and meeting fans of all shapes, sizes, and colors with an infectious ear to ear grin. Compared to Larson who stepped into the role with a built in audience in her corner but went out of her way to create her own backlash out of thin air with her seething contempt and bigotry. Contempt and bigotry that she proudly flaunts as virtue no less.

I try to filter all the social media nonsense in all reality. If the film is good I don’t give a rats ass whats the director / star / studio have to say about the politics....

While its fun to poke at the weird things Hollywood gets up to, its far to serious a topic for some folks who seem to think white male power is on the decline...

Thats just laughable.

And the vitriol and tin foil hat stuff is sorta scary.

For me this isn't about politics. I never expect Hollywood actors to agree with me politically. I just don't have any interest in spending my time and money supporting stars who are open jackasses to their own audiences. It's not a feminine/masculine thing, I was leaning toward watching Trank's FF in the theater until Michael B. Jordan's comment about not caring what fans thought since "they're all going to show up anyway." Yeah that would be a no.

He came around though and I was happy show up for his performances in Creed I/II and BP. But Larson can shove it as far as I'm concerned. She did nothing to build this cinematic universe and is stepping in as if she, not Thanos or IW/Endgame, is what the entire last 10 years have been building toward. I'll catch her in AEG because I trust that the Russos will deal with her **** properly but as of right now I can't picture myself condescending to pay for a CM ticket.

And I was 100% openly on board when the first CM trailer aired.
For my part, and I expect many others, the complaint is more about their hypocrisy and their virtue-signalling 'aren't I great' motivations than it is some fear of losing 'white male power'.

As I mentioned above, they could do exactly what they're doing without A) talking about there being 'too many white men' (a statement which would not be permissable to say about any other group) and B) actively seeking praise which is obviously what they're doing in the way they draw attention to and talk about these things - decidedly un-superhero-like. Just do it. Hire the female person of colour with disability for your press tour. See how many men complain when you simply do it - if any men do complain in that scenario well then you've identified the real A holes. But for God's sake don't say you're doing it because there are too many white men.

If you tell men from the outset that they are surplus to requirements, their opinions aren't important, aren't valid etc, well you should expect to cause some collateral damage there so don't be surprised when you get a response.
As I mentioned above, they could do exactly what they're doing without A) talking about there being 'too many white men' (a statement which would not be permissable to say about any other group) and B) actively seeking praise which is obviously what they're doing in the way they draw attention to and talk about these things - decidedly un-superhero-like. Just do it.

Yep. Remember back in 2003 when Matrix Reloaded came out and 90% of the new characters introduced in Zion were women or people of color/minorities. Did the cast and crew openly brag about it beforehand? Or say one word about it after it was released? Nope, not a peep. They simply went ahead and released a film with one of the most diverse casts for any genre film ever and let the movie speak for itself.
Yep. Remember back in 2003 when Matrix Reloaded came out and 90% of the new characters introduced in Zion were women or people of color/minorities. Did the cast and crew openly brag about it beforehand? Or say one word about it after it was released? Nope, not a peep. They simply went ahead and released a film with one of the most diverse casts for any genre film ever and let the movie speak for itself.

Agreed on all point. Did anyone care about female and minority characters? No. Did white males look negatively at it or feel a forced agenda? No, they were just cool characters. Today it OOZES agenda driven, anti-white male....... No thanks.
If i remember correctly Wonder Woman had an all female crew i am not 100% sure because Gal Gadot wasn't hammering me with it. That was cool have some flavor but don't push agendas.
Yea I miss the days when they’d cast a character and they wouldn’t ***** about how they are changing the world or some ****. Your in a ****ing movie your not the first or last women lead hero. The only reason this movie was considered is cause they didn’t have the rights to there “a list” marvel women. The x girls and Sue storm and she hulk and Jessica drew.

Once storm and sue storm enter the picture this chick will be side stepped back into irelavancy . No one likes her in the comics and it seems like no one will like her dry ass in the movies
Let me just say that Spider-Man: into the Spiderverse is one of the best movies EVER. And not once did they mention race, age, gender, etc in the movie. There is no diversity issue until you MAKE IT AN ISSUE by constantly pointing it out and yammering about it. JUST SHUT UP AND DO IT.