Captain Marvel - March 8, 2019

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Yeah....may skip this one. Maybe her and Rey can save the universe together.

Yeah, I'm out on a theater viewing of this film. I'm sick of all of this toxic PC culture BS. At least she'll have one less white male in the audience which I'm sure she'll feel good about. I'm glad to make her happy.
I've been a comic book fan since the late 80s.

I remember Carol Danvers frequently popping up in X-books as some kind of spy or something.

Does anyone REALLY like the character? She seemed to me to be a supporting cast type on a par with Harvey Bullock from Batman.

Who the hell is out there going "OMG I wuuvvv Captain Marvel, she's my all time favorite!!!"?

E.g. I guess a Tumblr sect of girls. *shrug*. E.g. a potential gold mine for Disney like Frozen fans or something. Buyin' CM toothbrushes etc. (nothin' wrong w. my Hasbro Hulkbuster tho...:monkey3)

Tho not to be a **** about it - when Sideshow released IMO a pretty nice statue of Captain Marvel, obvious from comments the comic character has fans, C list or not, male and female.

For me tho this is a cobbled-together character that Marvel didn't know what to do with, so they gave her everything vs. having a specific arc. And rebooted, tryin' to make interesting. IMO a problem w. film character too - besides IMO the wrong actress. She's got too many repetitive qualities other characters have, and sayin' CM's just MORE of everything (but flawed and vulnerable - who the *&^% isn't in the MCU?:cuckoo:) to me is just boring special snowflake. IMO the Sideshow statue had more attitude and was more "Captain Marvel" than the trailers.
Even I'm leaning toward skipping this one, AEG tie-in be damned. I'm tired of Brie's constant bull**** about her character being anything other than a by the numbers formulaic MCU hero and absolutely nothing more. Even if the movie is great she'll still be nothing but a torch bearer in the *shadow* of Ellen Ripley, Lara Croft, Wonder Woman, etc., and a pretty damn bland one at that if the trailers are any indication.

"We've never had a female equivalent to Indiana Jones until now. Ripley was close, but not quite."

So you're going to succeed where Ripley failed? Piss off Brie and report to the Russos for your fourth tier marching orders.
Even I'm leaning toward skipping this one, AEG tie-in be damned. I'm tired of Brie's constant bull**** about her character being anything other than a by the numbers formulaic MCU hero and absolutely nothing more. Even if the movie is great she'll still be nothing but a torch bearer in the *shadow* of Ellen Ripley, Lara Croft, Wonder Woman, etc., and a pretty damn bland one at that if the trailers are any indication.

"We've never had a female equivalent to Indiana Jones until now. Ripley was close, but not quite."

So you're going to succeed where Ripley failed? Piss off Brie and report to the Russos for your fourth tier marching orders.

Who said that? Huh:mad:. Ripley is a goddess. No makeup, no BS. Just did what needed to be done. Respects her teammates. Cried but sucked it up and carried on. That's how you be a superhero. BW is another one IMO - a survivor, took a chance on SHIELD, surprisingly - tho maybe not with all she'd seen - is a stabilizer with the Avengers. One thing I liked in AEG trailer is seein' Natasha coping by honing her skills. Focusing her grief and carrying on:clap. No snowflake there. Excellent relationships w. teammates.

CM trailer acts like she thinks someone should carry her purse for her. 'Coz she's like, *special*. Geez, Thor is a friggin' god but doesn't make a big deal about it.

"it didn't require any discipline to attain read what others had done, and you took the next step - Ian Malcom, Jurrasic Park"

IMO horrible Disney Princess role model. Gadot wasn't IMO patronizing as WW either - also respected teammates, romantic, etc.
Looks like opening weekend is now tracking for closer to $100 million, which would put it in line with Wonder Woman. That's a noticeable drop from what was being originally predicted.
Someone must've gotten wind of Khev's intention to skip this .....

We do need a disabled superhero.

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....

We've had one since 1963.
Professor X 001.jpg
I've always had a passing interest in this character, but I've decided not to see the film after Brie Larson's ridiculous comments. By her logic, I guess Black Panther should only be seen and discussed by African Americans.

I also love how she sees herself as this strong female representative when she's not doing anything positive for women as a whole. I enjoy superhero movies because they show us that ANYONE can be a hero and do incredible things, regardless of gender or race. With these kinds of comments, all she's doing is acting like a bully and creating an even bigger divide between the sexes. Is that really what a true hero would do?
“He didn’t have enough confidence and sass. Disableds weren’t allowed to do that back then.” :lecture

Now if it was Brie in a wheelchair.. history would be being made

He's also a white male. He's fooling no one with that so-called disability. The privilege oozes from every hair follicle on his head.

I always liked his eyebrows too. He really knew how to use them

He's also a white male. He's fooling no one with that so-called disability. The privilege oozes from every hair follicle on his head.

Ah yes, how could I be so foolish as to forget what is tantamount to original sin in the social justice tenets :slap

Perhaps that’s why they want to crucify them all
I loved that scene. The start of it just gave me goosebumps as I remember it did on my first viewing.

Yep, totally agree. And Gadot weathered months of online ridicule for being too skinny prior to the release of BvS and she handled it with total class and never once lashed out a single fan or category of fans.

Looks like opening weekend is now tracking for closer to $100 million, which would put it in line with Wonder Woman. That's a noticeable drop from what was being originally predicted.
Someone must've gotten wind of Khev's intention to skip this .....


:lol :lol

Come on everyone, we're skipping out on Ms. Marvel!



He's also a white male. He's fooling no one with that so-called disability. The privilege oozes from every hair follicle on his head.

:lol :lol

I always liked his eyebrows. Like he was proud of anywhere he could grow hair.

:lol :lol
I am so turned off with this movie. With Bree and her no emotion acting, the computer game cgi in space and this movement that Bree is pushing i am really turned off. Bring on end game have no interest in this crap.