Demi G0D Overseer
Have a new name for Nancy Grace. "Non Hot Mom". 

Ween my comment wasn't meant to offend. I have been in sales/marketing pretty much all of my life. You really have to know your target audience when trying to sell/market to people. You need to adapt your style when speaking to different people. It's the nature of the business. I could go on about what I see out of men as well. However, that is really off topic, and has nothing to do with this thread. The women I mentioned above however, are Nancy Grace's audience (bread and butter if you will). Those are her money makers.
I had to post this article about the porn deal because it cracked me up.
Wow, when the porn industry doesn't even want you you know you have for sure hit the bottom of the barrel. She needs to rot in hell.
There was a guy outside her trial with a sign asking her to marry him. Maybe she should look that loser up.
She never would have walked if I had been on that jury.
In a worst-case scenario...I would have hung the jury to leave the option open for a retrial.
"Not guilty" closed a door that should not have been closed.