Some of you guys are clueless about our legal system and how it works.
I didn't know Vlad was born in Pa.Look it up.
Birth place of vlad
I liked your version better than Weens.Not the same but ok.![]()
It's not their fault the prosecution couldn't prove their case. These are just guys who drew bad in a lottery. Any one of us could have been put in the exact same position as those jurors.
l think they did prove their case. not for 1st degree. the defence said she was molested and caylee drowned. there was not a single shred of evidence of any of that. the entire defence had zero evidence for any of their claims. the prosicution also had not much evidence, BUT they had more then the defence. how did the kid end up dead in the woods with tape over her mouth. what does that have to do with drowning, the kid was still dumped somewere else. she showed no emotion to her dead kid. she was partying and getting tattoos and acting like she is finally free and doesn't have to deal with a kid. that EVIDENCE right there should of had definitely had her convicted of aggravated child abuse and possibly second degree murder. there is more evidence of fowel play then a so called accident that the defence didn't have a single shred of evidence to back up.
it still blows my mind she will be walking next week. these jurors are idiots. l understand they went buy the book, strict evidence wise. they didn't use their brains in this case though. they sat there and just went buy scientific evidence which didn't link her to anything. but the way the kid was found, the way she acted and all the lies proves GUILTY and doesn't account as an accidental death. even if it was an accident why did she act the way she did. how did the kid get in the woods. why was she the happiest she has ever been. l understand there is really no evidence, but there is more evidence againt her then for her.
Some of you guys are clueless about our legal system and how it works.
now they will not release the jurors names. they had better, l doubt it though. their names are supposed to be released, that is common practise, but no, more dumb bad desision in this case. these jurors are going to milk this case for every penny they can get. their names should be released so people can vandalize their houses. of course that is what the judge is worreid about. well the jurors should of thought about that before.
The Prosecution always has the burden of proof, while the Defense does not. That is one of the first things you probably learn in Law 101.
Still not sure why some are calling the jurors stupid? Especially when some of the accusers can't spell of form a complete sentence.
Juror number 3 sounds intelligent and perfectly explained their thought process.
Wow. So jurors should worry about being vandalized because a trial didn't go how the general public thought it should?
Ummmm ok.
l think they did prove their case. not for 1st degree. the defence said she was molested and caylee drowned. there was not a single shred of evidence of any of that. the entire defence had zero evidence for any of their claims. the prosicution also had not much evidence, BUT they had more then the defence. how did the kid end up dead in the woods with tape over her mouth. what does that have to do with drowning, the kid was still dumped somewere else. she showed no emotion to her dead kid. she was partying and getting tattoos and acting like she is finally free and doesn't have to deal with a kid. that EVIDENCE right there should of had definitely had her convicted of aggravated child abuse and possibly second degree murder. there is more evidence of fowel play then a so called accident that the defence didn't have a single shred of evidence to back up.
it still blows my mind she will be walking next week. these jurors are idiots. l understand they went buy the book, strict evidence wise. they didn't use their brains in this case though. they sat there and just went buy scientific evidence which didn't link her to anything. but the way the kid was found, the way she acted and all the lies proves GUILTY and doesn't account as an accidental death. even if it was an accident why did she act the way she did. how did the kid get in the woods. why was she the happiest she has ever been. l understand there is really no evidence, but there is more evidence againt her then for her. l pray to god someone murders this _____ in the coming months.
that's what will happen. people are outraged. why do you think the judge is contemplating not releasing their names. they are getting death threats also.
I hope like hell that if I'm ever on trial YOU ARE NOT ON THE JURY.
But to be honest, I don't think you will ever make it on a jury with your attitude and pre-conceived notions about our legal system.
To put it tactfully, you have demonstrated quite admirably what it means to possess what is referred to as a "mob mentality".
This is not a compliment.![]()
i'm not bashing the US legal system. just suprised along with eveyone else on the verdict.
i'm just saying the way it is. people are mad and casey better watch her back. if people find out the jurors names they could get addresses and start vandalizing their property.And hopefully if this happens, the cops learned something about collecting actual evidence that leads to a conviction.
but in the end this will blow over then some other chick will kill her kid then that will be the next big story.
Hundreds of kids are killed each year...and that is my biggest problem with all of this. Why isn't the media reporting on any of those cases? Because they pick and choose which case to report on based on which will get them higher ratings...PERIOD. Case in point: there was a local woman who put her 6 month old baby in a microwave and nuked the baby to death. Where was the national coverage of her trial and 2 retrials? The answer is simple: there wasn't any due to the color of skin.
Once again you're wrong: not everyone is surprised by the verdict. Those that ARE surprised are just much louder about it.
Hundreds of kids are killed each year...and that is my biggest problem with all of this. Why isn't the media reporting on any of those cases? Because they pick and choose which case to report on based on which will get them higher ratings...PERIOD. Case in point: there was a local woman who put her 6 month old baby in a microwave and nuked the baby to death. Where was the national coverage of her trial and 2 retrials? The answer is simple: there wasn't any due to the color of skin.
If you don't pay your light bill for 31 days.. no power! If you don't pay your water bill for 31 days.. no water! If you don't return a movie you rented for 31 pay for that movie! If you don't report your child missing for 31 days, what happens?? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!
I liked your version better than Weens.