Casey Anthony Trial

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and if i was her dad & it was possible i would slap a defamtion lawsuit on her as well........:lecture

If you were her dad and innocent would be a better statement. I certainly believe her family had a role in this. Things were covered up too well. So well one might conclude that someone familiar with the law and searches helped her out. He's tears on the stand looked completely fake to me. I may be wrong but that's what I saw when I watched him.

This is the latest. LOL!

(CNN) -- One of the prosecutors in the Casey Anthony trial said Wednesday there could be perjury charges against Casey's mother, Cindy Anthony.

Cindy Anthony testified that she was responsible for Internet searches on the family's home computer for information about chloroform. But records indicated she was at work at the time.

Prosecutors had alleged that Casey Anthony, 25, killed her daughter, Caylee, in 2008 by rendering her unconscious with chloroform, putting duct tape over her nose and mouth so she would suffocate, or a combination of the two acts.

Asked by NBC's "Today Show" whether legal action will be taken against Cindy Anthony for allegedly perjuring herself on the witness stand, Jeff A___on responded, "I think there could be. That will be a decision made by another branch of our office."
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well this whole mess will be second guessed for years & years & fingers pointed from both sides. so tragic all the way around.....a little girl's death & the people that have & will profit from that death......(those directly involved & those not).
I may be the only other person here who remembers this, but back in the 1990s Charles Grodin had a kind of talk show that came on MSNBC and he brought OJ Simpson into every discussion that was had. Me and a buddy used to think it was hilarious. He could be talking about hormones in beef or something and would go into one of his patented, "Y'know, it's just like OJ. . ." diatribes.

Nancy Grace reminds me of that. Anyway. . .
The thing is even her most hated critic has been profitting off of her story. Nancy Grace I'm talking to you. She has been trying to copyright "Tot Mom" and throws it around every two seconds when speaking. I wonder if she cares more about the little girl or her TV ratings? I know what my guess is and it isn't a little girl.

l hate Nany Grace. l have really noticed with this case she is a god damn drama queen. here is an example. Caseys lawyer in a context said she was a bad mother and a ****. he didn't call her that. he said that in context to what everyone else thinks of her. then on the Nany Grace show their headline is "tot mom lawyer calls her a bad mom and ****", when he never said that to her, he was describing what others think of her. they did that for more ratings. then her defence lawer got into an arguement with the prosecution when the other lawyer was making faces. then on the Nancy Grace show their head line was "lawyers almost come to blows". that is total crap. they got into a slight argument like every court case, how is that them almost getting into a fist fight. Nancy pisses me off she amps up the drama for ratings all the time.

l bet that stupid _____ will get her own book published about this about her reporting on this case for the last three years.

I will first say, I'm sure this whole family had something to do with this childs death. They are all a bunch of liars.

That said, the prosecution botched this. If anyone wants to be upset at this point look to them. They had no murder weapon, no DNA evidence, no cause of death, nothing but circumstantional claims.

Like it or not to convict someone of 1st degree murder they have to prove a person is guilty beyond reasonable doubt. The jury in no way could do that. It sucks, but they made the right call IMO.

that's the problem. we all know she did it. there just isn't any evidence she did it. it's to bad they never found the body before it was fully decomposed because if they found that bodie she would of been charged with firts degree l bet. they would of done an autopsy and i'm sure there would of been no water in the lungs since the defence said she drowned. im sure they would of found chloroform and that there would have her convicted. she is lucky the way things panned out. like l said before, karma will pay her a visit in the future so Casey have fun till then.
well this whole mess will be second guessed for years & years & fingers pointed from both sides. so tragic all the way around.....a little girl's death & the people that have & will profit from that death......(those directly involved & those not).

The messed up part is all the people that hate her will end up supporting her inadvertently. They will do this by buying books, going to the movie, ect. just to see what she says.
The messed up part is all the people that hate her will end up supporting her inadvertently. They will do this by buying books, going to the movie, ect. just to see what she says.

people who buy the book which will come out should be shot. she is a liar. the book will be all bull____. so why give your money to a killer just to read a book that will be 90% lies.
people who buy the book which will come out should be shot. she is a liar. the book will be all bull____. so why give your money to a killer just to read a book that will be 90% lies.

Because the people accusing the jury of being dumb are actually more dumb and will prove it by buying the books. :lecture
heard on the news those sick people from Vivid entertainment called her lawer and offered her to be in porn. these sick porn people are gross sick individuals with zero class. even if a good porn with Casey was released you couldn't pay me to watch it. if l did l wouldn't even get hard seeing that child killer getting banged. vivid should be ashamed of themselves, but being sick people is what they do best.
:lol....I'm sure there'll be a lot of this going on if she actually did sign with Vivid.

heard on the news those sick people from Vivid entertainment called her lawer and offered her to be in porn. these sick porn people are gross sick individuals with zero class. even if a good porn with Casey was released you couldn't pay me to watch it. if l did l wouldn't even get hard seeing that child killer getting banged. vivid should be ashamed of themselves, but being sick people is what they do best.

they offer anybody and everybody porn deals. The words porn and class should never even be mentioned in the same sentance. I don't even find her attractive, but I bet she'll do it eventually, who else is going hire the trashiest, skank women of the world?
There is no possible way that Bachman quote is real.

I'm calling bull____ on that too, I know she flubs but that is swallowing your foot to your knee.

they offer anybody and everybody porn deals. The words porn and class should never even be mentioned in the same sentance. I don't even find her attractive, but I bet she'll do it eventually, who else is going hire the trashiest, skank women of the world?

Kind of. They offer anyone who they think will sell Porn Deals. While you may not find her attractive (I think she is pretty average looking nothing to holler about) someone will fap to her. If people are buying Chyna porns, Anthony will sell no problem.
I know all politicians are attention whores, but this is just sick:

Props to Mitt Romney for taking the high road.

and again the stupidest woman on the planet Sarah Palin shows how smart she is. she expects Oboma to talk about the verdict, and why hasn't he and she questions his agenda because of it. she says "our nation is in crisis and Oboma doesnt comment on this". you dumb ass, why should Oboma make a comment about this verdict. he is the president and shouldn't waste his breath on this, like she said the country is in crisis, maybe he should talk about that, not this stupid child murdering mother. he has more impotant things to talk about.

to bad Casey Anthony didn't kill Sarah Palin instead.

they offer anybody and everybody porn deals. The words porn and class should never even be mentioned in the same sentance. I don't even find her attractive, but I bet she'll do it eventually, who else is going hire the trashiest, skank women of the world?

yeah your right don't know why l said they have no class, of course they dont they make porn and call themselves film makers.:lol. l don't think she is all that attractive either. she has really big ears l noticed, she looks like a chimp. looking at her l definitly believe we evolved from chimps, atleast she did.:lol.

l wouldnt whant to see her in porn, also she is too young for my tastes ( shes a couple years older then me). l don't watch that many porn vids with young girls. l prefure MILF videos. those are my favs.:yess:
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