Catwoman and Bane confirmed for TDK Rises!!!

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what is it, cant handle the fact that the not everyone shares the same opinion of nolans movies? well deal with it. not everyone thought his movies were grandiose masterpieces of fine art. in fact they fail as batman adapatations. there more like crime thrillers that just happens to have batman in it. i understand that most of you on here probably love these movies, maybe even worship them, which is why usually stay away. im only here typically to see progress on the hot toys version of what i consider the best batman of all time, michael keaton.

You lost credibility at "I like Schumacher's Batman." But hey you're intitled to your opinion.
The problem with Megan Fox is that she is too sexy to be true.

Women (and some men) hate her because they'd like to be like her but never will, and men (and some women) hate her because they'd like to____with her, but never will.

Conclusion, there is a price to pay for being sooo beautiful

I knew a girl who had her hots. Even looks kinda like her, but she's smaller and cuter, with reams of bleach blonde curls.


Dumb as a rock. That's the only price tag I could find, and I looked everywhere.
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what is it, cant handle the fact that the not everyone shares the same opinion of nolans movies? well deal with it. not everyone thought his movies were grandiose masterpieces of fine art. in fact they fail as batman adapatations. there more like crime thrillers that just happens to have batman in it. i understand that most of you on here probably love these movies, maybe even worship them, which is why usually stay away. im only here typically to see progress on the hot toys version of what i consider the best batman of all time, michael keaton.

in fact, you can view my assesment of TDK here:


I see Keaton33 is up to his old antics again.
what is it, cant handle the fact that the not everyone shares the same opinion of nolans movies? well deal with it. not everyone thought his movies were grandiose masterpieces of fine art. in fact they fail as batman adapatations. there more like crime thrillers that just happens to have batman in it. i understand that most of you on here probably love these movies, maybe even worship them, which is why usually stay away. im only here typically to see progress on the hot toys version of what i consider the best batman of all time, michael keaton.

in fact, you can view my assesment of TDK here:

<iframe title="YouTube video player" class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowFullScreen></iframe>

you make some good points, but you also ALOT of horrible statements.
In all fairness, it may not have been her fault that BW sucked, it may have just been the way the character was written or something. I just felt like she was eye candy who did a few badass moves instead of being a badass beauty. If any of that makes any sense.
Surely, movie Black Widow isn't comic Black Widow. But then, RDJ's Tony Stark is pretty insanely different than the Stark from the comics, too. I just rolled with it, and thought they did what they were asked to do well enough.
It's "a lot."

Yeah I know. I actually only found it out about a year ago. No one ever told me that a and lot were separate, so I still sometimes accidentally forget the space.

You don't need to be a grammar nazi though.

OR it's a review that no one will give crap about.

$1,000,000,000 grossing movie > nobody youtube review.

Yeah pretty much

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i dont know about the bane guy but i vehemidly against the casting of friggin little anne hathaway for catwoman. heath ledger...i still have a problem with his joker. to me he wasnt joker, just some pshycho serial killer no different then scorpio from dirty harry. jack nicholson is still the best in my eyes, the best rendition of joker. likewise, there is no doubt in my mind that michelle pfieffer is and probably always will be the best catwoman. period. she was the perfect fit. she had that feline quality and burton created such a amazing memorable character. but now hearing that some no talent young upstart like hathaway gets a role that should have gone to a better actress who looks better and can act better....just upsets me. this is the 3rd time nolan has miscast a villian. first with scarecrow with that puny little unintimidateing prettyboy cillian murphy, then with that gayback mountain indie actor ledger who played a rather pathetic looking so-called "joker", and now this. can it get any worse?

Wait a minute, you can slag off Nolan, you can slag off Heath, you can slag off Bale or anything else in the Nolan batman films but how dare you slag off Cillian :mad:

Seriously though, your entitled to your own opinion no matter how ridiculous it is, but why do you feel the need to tell everyone, do you think people are gonna change their veiw cus of a stupid review like that. I never go out of my way to comment on films i dont like as i couldn't care less and i'm not gonna tell other people to hate something just because i do. I only comment on films i love,

anyway this film is gonna be awesome all we need now is the scarecrow to return and what about Leo Dicaprio as Harvey Bullock?
Surely, movie Black Widow isn't comic Black Widow. But then, RDJ's Tony Stark is pretty insanely different than the Stark from the comics, too. I just rolled with it, and thought they did what they were asked to do well enough.

True, I guess I was just disappointed by her character since it wasn't what I was expecting.
As for Scarlett as Catwoman, she sucked as Black Widow, let's not make her Catwoman too.

maybe she sucked as black widow because the part was what is was? :cuckoo:
in short: it was written badly, developed badly, so you can expect her to act oscar worthy with that kind of a character now can you?

So, you cannot conclude that she would play catwoman badly because she played black widow badly, the black widow role is a bad reference to start with....

First of all, Catwoman will be a more developed character in a Chris Nolan movie than Black Widow ever was in Iron Man 2.
Secondly, by herself, Scarlett Johansson is a great actress that already proved she can act and has the skill to play every style.

So I don't agree with your conclusion: she sucks as black widow THUS she will suck as catwoman WTF? :dunno
WOW, this thread was good this time yesterday. One crappy day in work and it has turned to complete ____.

I'm glad that Megan Fox isn't in this movie too, but how can any of you even begin to question her intellect unless you have sat down and conversed with the girl?

Damn... pathetic stuff.
jack nicholson is still the best in my eyes, the best rendition of joker. likewise, there is no doubt in my mind that michelle pfieffer is and probably always will be the best catwoman. period. she was the perfect fit. she had that feline quality and burton created such a amazing memorable character. but now hearing that some no talent young upstart like hathaway gets a role that should have gone to a better actress who looks better and can act better....just upsets me. this is the 3rd time nolan has miscast a villian. first with scarecrow with that puny little unintimidateing prettyboy cillian murphy, then with that gayback mountain indie actor ledger who played a rather pathetic looking so-called "joker", and now this. can it get any worse?

omg :) Okay, here goes:

Agreed, Pfeiffer is a very good villain and the best Catwoman portrayal to date!
However, with every now take on something classic its always a sentimental thing :)
Your arrogant reaction towards both Heath Leger and Anne Hathaway shows this clearly.

Agreed, in my eyes Nicholson was just being Jack Nicholson, being a clown in a clownsuit.
Imo, it was good enough to come over as a Joker, since the joker was acting clownish too.
So, agreed, I could enjoy him as the joker!

Agreed, I didnt like the scarecrow "villain" as much as all the other villains we've seen untill that point. Not so much because of Cillian Murphy, but just because of the screen time...

Agree, I love the myth, the mystery and especially the operettic atmosphere that Batman Returns had.
But the Nolan films are a whoooole different approach to the Batman universe, so you can not and you should not try to compare them with each other.

What I don't agree with is, your arrogant reaction towards a performance that has already proven itself.
You are not being sentimental towards the Burton movies, you are just being plain arrogant
Just because you dont like it dont mean you gotta flame the guy, its called personal taste!
Ow and what you got against "indie actors"?
You're the type too dumb to look and appreciate a indie film; perhaps the only kind of movies your brain can consume are easy simple mind blockbuster movies with a script written by George Lucas with toys in his mind.
No wonder you dislike the Nolan films (yes its clear) cause they were actually kinda clever for the comic book genre huh...

You being arrogant can be shown easily by your reaction towards both Heath Leger and Anne Hathaway shows this clearly.
Stop being an arrogant ____ and give them a break.
The first one already proved out to be iconic, and the 2nd person didnt even had the chance to show her performance, so what an idiot you are. :slap
Ow and the fact Ledger actually won an oscar made him a bad joker huh?
Well I guess you missed to see his performance or you were too focused on Jack the clown Nicholson that you missed Ledger interpretation in wich he did his very best NOT to copy Jack the clown Nicholson?
You should respect the fact he did not copy Jack the clown Nicholson and made the charactor his own!
What did you expect from Ledger when he was going to play the Joker? Another clown?
Ow yeah I forgot you are a blockbuster freak only so you would expect a predictable performance...
Last thing, however great Nicholson was and still is and will always be as an actor, he didnt do ____ that was special with his Joker interpretation!
He was being himself but a little bit more silly, waauw, that must have been so hard for him to do as a 12 time academy nominee and 3 time academy winner.

In real life I would have been much more affraid from the Ledger joker than from the Nicholson Joker.
With Nicholson you didnt had the feeling he was gonna do something to you personally, he would just let one of his goons do something and laugh a bit in the background.
But with Ledger, now thats something different.
You got the penthouse scene with the knife coming out of his freakin shoe all of a sudden.
You got the skyscraper scene with the bat and the dogs, look at him go!

Just because you like Jack Nicholsons joker, dont give you any validity to diss Ledgers performance and Anne Hathaway performance, wich hasten even started to film.
You lose every ____ing credibility by bashing somebody even before they started filming something.

Get outta here!
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