Catwoman and Bane confirmed for TDK Rises!!!

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Eva Green looks a bit too old to be Liam Neesons daughter, right? She could believably be his love interest imo.

I'm hoping Keira Knightley gets the role if Talia makes the film.
Agreed. I really wanna see some decent fighting scenes. Would love to see more of the Keysi fighting style.

quoted for truth! :exactly:

Tim Burton might not be an action director (he states this himself on his commentary in Batman Returns)
But at least I really enjoyed the Batman fights in his movies, not only because they were well choreographed, but mostly could actually see the fights.

Many here are crying like babies about the female casting being the only weak point of the Nolan batman movies.
But I cry about the fact you hardly can see batman fight and do his thing. :)
Sure its meant to add something to the "mystery personae" of the character but imo, its lame.
They talk about the Keysi style in the making off feat etc, but you dont see it happen.
I bet its a nice style and I even bet the choreography is nice as well, but whats the point of all that if you cant see ____?:dunno

The car chases are really wonderful, too bad the fight scene are not up with them.
So I hope there is some improvement in the last and final episode of the trilogy.

Eva Green looks a bit too old to be Liam Neesons daughter, right? She could believably be his love interest imo.

I'm hoping Keira Knightley gets the role if Talia makes the film.

Neeson is 58.
Eva Green is only 30.

So that would imply Rha's was fooling around at the age of 28...seems to be a normal age for a guy at the top of his might, no?
I can argue the Megan Fox as Selina Kyle is one of the dumbest fanboy, I just like to look at her and touch myself in the shower, thoughts until the cows come home, but if you are saying when you need a whore or someone who looks it on a regular basis that the go-to girl is Megan Fox....well when you're right you're right.
I can argue the Megan Fox as Selina Kyle is one of the dumbest fanboy, I just like to look at her and touch myself in the shower, thoughts until the cows come home, but if you are saying when you need a whore or someone who looks it on a regular basis that the go-to girl is Megan Fox....well when you're right you're right.

The Mike...

That is the most disturbing:slap thoughts ever to come from you...:lol
Truely hysterical !!!:clap


Megan Fox's little head would probably explode after sitting down and carrying on a conversation with Nolan.
I know most people thought Nolan made a mistake casting Katie and I'm probably in the minority here but I thought Katie Holmes was a much better Rachel. She just got the bad rap cause it was the height of the whole TomKat fiasco in the tabloids and looking at the A-list of actors in BB, true she was the weaker link, but that doesnt mean she was bad.

When I first heard that Maggie was replacing her character, I was excited as I thought she would indeed be a better actress but I didnt care for her portayal as Rachel, she came off as a snobby high class lawyer. The scene were she dies was supposed to be a heartbreaking scene, Usually that's the case when one of the main character's dies but I felt nothing for it. I think I would have though if it was Katie.
She had some powerful scenes in BB, like when she slaps Bruce in the car and told him his father would be ashamed of him...That was a great scene. I like the scene also when Bruce was leaving with the 2 drunk women and he's trying to explain to Rachel that he's really not like this, you feel bad for Bruce and kinda makes you feel like he can really tell her who he is.

But I think because of the TomKat in the tabloids constantly at the time, people got sick and tired of seeing her and Tom cruise all over the news.

I don't really watch Katie Holmes's movies, and I'm not sure if I've ever seen one that I can remember, but I thought she was great in Batman Begins. I'm not sure why everyone bags on her. She was a great love interest for Bruce, and she also played a female who has ambitions and whatnot. I thought the Chemistry between her and Bale and was great, and they look good together. She's much nicer to look at that's for sure, but I just thought that she was a totally different Rachel than Maggie. Maggie's was annoying, and it bothered me that this so called "Rachel" was suddenly with Harvey Dent when she said at the end of Batman Begins that she's always love Wayne and whatnot and they had a passionate kiss.

...whatever. All I know is that I would have cared a lot more if it was Holmes's Rachel that we saw blow up.
Gotta agree with you on that, Nygma.

Although Maggie was parobably more convincing in her "lawyer" scenes than Katie would have been.
Yes I agree I would cared for Katie more - but that's probably cuz most of the scenes of any real meaning with the Rachel character were in Begins.
Ahhh, I love your naivety Nygma, haha... relationships are not as simple as you might believe. The Bruce she knew was gone, and there was no telling if he'd ever come back. Batman is who he is now.
I don't really watch Katie Holmes's movies, and I'm not sure if I've ever seen one that I can remember, but I thought she was great in Batman Begins. I'm not sure why everyone bags on her. She was a great love interest for Bruce, and she also played a female who has ambitions and whatnot. I thought the Chemistry between her and Bale and was great, and they look good together. She's much nicer to look at that's for sure, but I just thought that she was a totally different Rachel than Maggie. Maggie's was annoying, and it bothered me that this so called "Rachel" was suddenly with Harvey Dent when she said at the end of Batman Begins that she's always love Wayne and whatnot and they had a passionate kiss.

...whatever. All I know is that I would have cared a lot more if it was Holmes's Rachel that we saw blow up.

So we went from Katie holmes Maggie Gylenhaal to now Anne Hathaway...hmmm sounds like we are going to back to sweet and sultry. Anyway Maggie was okay....Katie was interesting and Anne will be simply effen hot !!!!
The problem with Megan Fox is that she is too sexy to be true.

Women (and some men) hate her because they'd like to be like her but never will, and men (and some women) hate her because they'd like to____with her, but never will.

Conclusion, there is a price to pay for being sooo beautiful
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