Catwoman Bootleg Coming (Returns not Halle)

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Apparently left Hong Kong yesterday -_-
It says it's an outward registered letter though. I think they've gave me the wrong tracking info.
Mine is still on it's way to me from the "sort facility" in Bethpage, New York. Feels like it's been in transit f-o-r-e-v-e-r...

That is weird. Mine went through the sort facility in San Francisco - which make sense, seeing as it came from China. If you're in MN, then either it's taking the long way around (over the Atlantic) or it went right over you and has to come back again!
Mine arrived unannounced today from Store Rooms

Mine shouldn't be too far away then either. I emailed asking them for an approximate delivery date, the response was "we've sent it registered post" (not super helpful information there). I've asked for a tracking number but so far no response.
I'm not even sure if mine's been sent. I'm just presuming it has been since everyone else seems to be getting them or already have them.
I'll shoot them an email later to be sure.
Well it is about freakin' time. Mine arrived today.

Rubbed titties? Check.
Smashed box? Check.
Awesome figure? Check.

Sooooo happy I got this one. Can't wait to see what Warrior's Gate comes up with! :rock
Just got mine too. No notice from Storerooms and, even though it was wrapped in one layer of bubble wrap and brown paper, it made it here in one piece. :woo
Kind of glad there are so many raw nipples out there. :lol

Just didn't want to be the only one. :monkey3