Super Freak
Um General. . . . If I may. . .
1) Do a "google" search for Ree Yees, Woof etc. Just images. Use these as reference.
2) Take a look at ebay for "sixth scale" or "12 inch" figures and match it up. Hasbro sometimes works too in a pinch.
3) Dude. Chaka told you he built the Ree Yees boots from scratch. My guess is if you can find a movie still of his boots you can do the same.
4) Have you seen that amazing Greivous custom on these boards? Can't remember which thread - but it is incredible. You should spend the time to find it. Might take awhile - but totally worth it.
5) How did you get Nikto? I thought Duane was out? Wel done if you did.
And one final thing: Chaka does amazing work, everyone agrees. However the beauty of this hobby is DOING some of the stuff YOURSELF. There are no right or wrong answers. Get some paint and paint these sculpts (you will be amazed at what you will find) -Duane is amazing and you really can't screw them up. You can always redo if you make an error. As for costumes. . .you are likely more creative than you think and if you are a true fan and collector - you know that the hunt for stuff is half the fun.
Start your own thread if you want help. I don't think this is the appropriate forum for this (this is Chaka's HOBBY not his JOB). My guess is you will have lots of people "popping in" to watch your progress and offer insights.
But in this forum. . . . You are being a bit of a distraction (no offence). Would love to see what you can do on your own. In you own thread - that is.
Best of luck General. I look forward to seeing what you can do on your own. And expect to see a thread of your OWN ASAP. And not so much in here anymore. K?
BTW: I am brand new to this as well (I have been following "quietly" for about a year and working "quietly" as well). This is the most I have ever posted. . . .in response to you. Not asking for help. Be cool. Enjoy. Stop bugging Chaka.
Sent from my GT-P1000R using Tapatalk 2

I have said from the start, Im not trying to be a jerk. Im happy to help, but cant spell everything out for you.
I think starting your own thread is a great idea. That way people can give advice when needed.
Hmm, where did the Nikto head come from? I hope someone isnt casting Duane's stuff and selling them.
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