Super Freak
theres a difference between social and political. bringing obama into it makes it political automatically.
Agreed. No need to bring up the president...
theres a difference between social and political. bringing obama into it makes it political automatically.
A lot of American's marry Canadians and people from other countries, and then can bring those spouses to the United States to be with them and share in life and family, etc.
Gay couples from America who meet and fall in love with people from other countries cannot do the same thing. They must stay separate, or be lucky enough to have one of them live in a country gay marriage is legal and WANT to move there.
Also, adoption for Gays isn't legal in all states due to the gay marriage ban.
okay, sorry, I won't bring it up again, but I do think there is a comparison to be made between both this kid's behavior towards or opinion of the US flag and the pic I posted.
At least the environment is free enough to allow it to happen. That's a good thing isn't it?
I will say that this story demonstrates perfectly the double standard that the media and some of the public are using on an increasing basis.
Like I mentioned, Carrie Prejean was basically crucified by most news networks for expressing her views on gay marriage, and ultimately lost her crown because of it. Not even to mention she was basically forced to give her opinion on this controversial subject when asked during the competition what she thought about it by that prick perez hilton. Most were ready to string her up for expressing her opinion when asked it.
Then you take this kid, who does seem very intelligent, and he gets his own interview and will probably be made some sort of hero in the media spotlight as such a cute gay rights activist.
Both were examples of freedom of speech. Both are perfectly legal to express those opinions. But in today's overly sensitive and overly PC world, one opinion is put on a pedestal and the other is abhorred.
Dude, Mesa...
I don't know how you do it, but you always find a way to play the republican victim...
This one's for you!!!
Legal status
Since the 1979 Iranian revolution, the legal code has been based on a conservative interpretation of Islamic Shari'a law. All sexual relations that occur outside of a traditional, heterosexual marriage (i.e. sodomy or adultery) are illegal and no legal distinction is made between consensual or non-consensual sexual activity. Homosexual relations that occur between consenting adults in private are a crime and carry a maximum punishment of death. Teenage boys as young as fifteen are eligible for the death penalty (see Mahmoud Asgari and Ayaz Marhoni). Approved by the Islamic Republic Parliament on 30/7/1991 and finally ratified by the High Expediency Council on 28/11/1991, articles 108 through 140 distinctly talk about homosexuality and its punishments in detail:[citation needed]
[edit] Male homosexuality
Sodomy is a crime for which both partners can be punished by death. If the participants are adults, of sound mind and consenting; the method of execution is for the Shari'a judge to decide. A non-adult who engages in consensual sodomy is subject to a punishment of 74 lashes. (Articles 108 to 113) Sodomy is proved either if a person confesses four times to having committed sodomy or by the testimony of four righteous men. Testimony of women alone or together with a man does not prove sodomy. (Articles 114 to 119). "If sodomy, or the lesser crimes referred to above, are proved by confession, and the person concerned repents, the Shari'a judge may request that he be pardoned. If a person who has committed the lesser crimes referred to above repents before the giving of testimony by the witnesses, the punishment is quashed. (Articles 125 and 126).
[edit] Female homosexuality
The punishment for female homosexuality involving persons who are mature, of sound mind, and consenting, is 100 lashes. If the act is repeated three times and punishment is enforced each time, the death sentence will apply on the fourth occasion. (Articles 127, 129, 130) The ways of proving lesbianism in court are the same as for male homosexuality. (Article 128) Non-Muslim and Muslim alike are subject to punishment (Article 130) The rules for the quashing of sentences, or for pardoning, are the same as for the lesser male homosexual offences (Articles 132 and 133) Women who "stand naked under one cover without necessity" and are not relatives are punished by up to 100 lashes. (Article 134)
[edit] Application of laws
At the discretion of the Iranian court, fines, prison sentences, and public lashings may be used instead of a public execution.
The charges of homosexuality and Lavat (sodomy) are difficult to discern in Iran. The judiciary allows forced confessions. Other charges are often paired with the Lavat crime, such as rape or acts against the state, and convictions are obtained in grossly flawed trials. Furthermore, homosexuality has been a charge levelled at political dissidents. On March 14, 1994, famous dissident writer Ali Akbar Saidi Sirjani was charged with offenses ranging from drug dealing to espionage to homosexuality. He died in prison under mysterious circumstances.[10]
Not saying the pledge of allegiance in my opinion is a great disrespect to all that have served, fought and died for your liberties and country. There are other ways to voice your opinion if you feel the need. If you don't like it or don't want to say it get the ???? out of my country.
and if anyone disagrees with what was typed above your blind to facts.
I love how we get people who complain about things that would get you thrown in jail and/or executed in other countries, but they are afforded freedom of speech in America per the constitution, and then bash the US for not meeting their idea of how a perfect society should be ran according to them.
Those are not facts...that's playing the victim card. And to add, Carrie Prejean is a sorry excuse for a conservative.
Why don't you read your country's Bill of Rights, where it clearly says we have the right to free speech, and you cannot force us to conform to your socialist viewpoint of "Say it or GTFO." The first amendment gives us the right to speak what is on our mind, or keep our mouths shut! OUR FREEDOM.Not saying the pledge of allegiance in my opinion is a great disrespect to all that have served, fought and died for your liberties and country. There are other ways to voice your opinion if you feel the need. If you don't like it or don't want to say it get the ???? out of my country.