I will be interested in these as well. Is it too late to get my name on a list?
Ooooo. The Master would be great.
A Roger Delgado Master would be my no 1 choice but I like Ainley too!
Bring on K-9 (with saucy voice quotes!)!!!!!!
Th is might be blasphemous to you Tom Baker lovers but when is Eccleston slated for a hs? He is still my favourite Doctor, sorry.
bcm77 would love a Weeping Angel. Thats from his favorite episode.
I am going to have Anzik make me 1:6 1963 styled TARDIS and I really would like a Bill Hartnell Doc to go with it, so hopefully that possibility is coming down the pipe line someday.
Toupee, what qc problems did you have? I got a few one off customs made by Ada & they were fantastic. Just wondering if there is something I overlooked or should be more observant about.
There are many words I'd use to describe that episode but "favorite" is not one of them
I'd like a 9th Doctor sculpt with a FANTASTIC! smiling expression at some point but the Classic era is infinitely more intresting to me particularly Doctors 2-4.
That said I'd be intrested in just about any Classic sculpt over anything from Nu-Who post Eccleston.
BCM77 can try and wriggle out of this all he wants, we all know he goes to sleep in David Tennant Pajamas at night!
To answer everyones question as to whether the hottie who plays Silk Spector appears nude, the answer is yes. See it immediately!
I was considering her Bill Murray, gonna wait for Chris. Love his work & seems to behave like a gentleman. Don't see that kind of class to often.