That second batch of line-up choices (Romana II, The Brig, and Ainley) are tentative. The line-up may change by the time we get there and we may do something different. Ainley was chosen because of my personal OCD with choosing heads (laugh). I personally don't want JUST a Doctor head made when I arrange commissions. I'd rather have the assortment be a set or be themed and get a companion and era specific villain too, because who knows when we'd be going back to mine that particular era? Just getting a Doctor doesn't interest me. Plus I figured if Ainley got made for the Fourth Doctor, that automatically gave us a villain for a 5th, 6th, and 7th Doctor who battled him as well. Romana II was chosen to go with K-9, and the Brig because he goes with all of the Doctors as well, but all formed part of the 4th Doctor era.
Back when I started commissioning the Doctor Who heads with Ada I had her do Tom and Leela, so that was my little set there, then when I had her do the Second Doctor, Jamie was going to be next, and I was going to have talented Outpost Galifrey sculptor Neil Sims make "Invasion" Cybermen kits, so that was going to be another themed "set" there. Only I stopped using Ada after the 2nd Doctor because of all of the QC problems I (and everyone) was having so the 2nd Doctor theme never got finished.

Starting off new with Chris and having him want to do a Fourth Doctor, Sarah Jane, and K-9 was just phenominal because there's a freaking Tardis crew right there. I mean a K-9? That's amazing. Who thought we'd ever get one?
:chew:chew:chew. For those who don't want to wade through all the old pages, our love for Doctor Who is mutual and Chris really wants to explore the Doctor Who universe and has in the past mentioned wanting to make things like 1:6 DALEKS and Screaming/Weeping Angels, not just the heads, so that's phenominal!

Bring on K-9 (with saucy voice quotes!)!!!!!!