which shoulder armor are you sculpting?
Im a little slow, i just noticed SovereignStudio full Gladiator figure on the board just now
Like Lord Vicious said! In the end, this project is going to be pretty modular. Buy what you want and put together YOUR Maximus.
In fact, as pointed out, he pretty much just stuck to the good ol' gladius, but I may make a few other historically accurate weapons so we can add a little spice if we want. After all, there could be fights we didn't see where he employed some others like a curved Thracian Sica. And they just look cool!

I also want to make a rudis, the wooden gladius, used for practice and awarded to the successful freed gladiator.
Yes, there is another Maximus developing out there. Looks nice! I hope it turns out well.
As is true with all my projects, I want to make our Maximus
THE Maximus. Better than any other custom, better than any commercial figure. I want you to practically smell the sweat, taste the dust, hear the crowd. That's my goal, anyway! That's why I couldn't stop at the armor, I HAVE to make the head, I HAVE to make him screaming his battle cry, to give him whatever life I can. Otherwise I just won't be satisfied. And all of you should expect nothing less.
Now, let's see if I can do it!