Stev Austin is the character Lee Majors played in The Six Million Dollar Man and who that sculpt is supposed to be.![]()
Ah well, shows you what I know. It's been that long since I can remember the TV series.
Stev Austin is the character Lee Majors played in The Six Million Dollar Man and who that sculpt is supposed to be.![]()
I'm sorry I ever fell into the Chris Howes Bandwaggon. His sculpts are horrible and his service is even worst.
Careful now, his troops will be out to "question" you on your opinion.
So this has now turned into attacks on Chris' work and anyone who doesn't want to rip him apart him on the forum.
I'm sorry you guys aren't happy about your experience, but does it REALLY have to turn to this?
I wouldn't say attack.. it's not like I'm chasing the guy down with a baseball bat asking for my money back. I'm just pissed the product looks rushed yet it's not rushed...
It's like going to McDonalds for a big mac but instead they end up giving you a hamburger and the worst part is that you have to wait a few hours for it.... except no one has the hamburger except for collector49.... if that doesn't give us the right to complain.. I don't know what does.
You're really getting on my nerves so I'm going to rephrase myself and call it a rushed piece of ^^^^. You can respect the guy and his work all you want just don't question and police my opinion or choices of words just because you don't feel the same way. I also believe delivery dates effect the end results of products. Since he has delayed the shipment time after time it would justify a higher standard in the quality of his commission workload. Remember this is business, there are no pet peeves and friendliness when it comes down to that. With that said it's not a secret that many of us including myself had in past talked to the guy like a friend with respect and plenty of forgiveness..... but in return we just kept getting the metaphorical bird first with broken promises and now the guy just basically stopped communications altogether. So why do you still feel the need to defend someone like that?..... actually I don't care why you think that way... just stay out of my affairs if you don't agree.
I'm not suggesting you don't have the right to complain
oh right you're just suggesting I apologize.... I'm going to sit this one out like a peaceful Hindu cow. Sorry to intensify the thread and by all means govern all of my actions.
you're asking for too muchI just wish you'd actually READ my comments
in a nutshellOh wait, that might be too "annoying".
I own 2 of Howes sculpts & I think they are both great sculpts. I own the regular Joker & the Steve Austin.
As a huge Six Million Dollar Man fan, I own just about every single Lee Majors headsculpt out there. I think that the Howes Majors sculpt is very good! It's not perfect, but he did a great job with it:
Ada's Lee Majors sculpt sucked big time...and it is undersized.
I do also think that it sucked for me to wait months for my Joker sculpt while he sold tons of them on ebay the whole time I was waiting.![]()
Does anybody have an Ada sculpt to compare?
I think the paint apps on Howes' sculpt are a bit too much, looks like a heavily made-up Lee Majors.