Christian Bale freaking out on the DP on set of Terminator Salvation!

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He`s got a bad temper,but hey...he is a human like the rest of us,just because he is a hollywood star doesnt make him a saint.
It's one thing getting frustrated and going off on a guy, but that was almost a good four minutes long! Talk about unneccesary.
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Doesn't make him a saint, but one thing I will say is, and maybe Hollywood works different, that sort of outburst is unprofessional in the regular business world. BELIEVE me I'd love to snap like that on some of my co-workers sometimes, but if I did my ass'd be on the street in 5 seconds flat. Somehow in Hollywood, there's more tolerance for that sort of thing.
This just cements why Bale is the F'n man. :rock

Doesn't make him a saint, but one thing I will say is, and maybe Hollywood works different, that sort of outburst is unprofessional in the regular business world. BELIEVE me I'd love to snap like that on some of my co-workers sometimes, but if I did my ass'd be on the street in 5 seconds flat. Somehow in Hollywood, there's more tolerance for that sort of thing.

It's because hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue for the studio doesnt hang on your every breath.
It's one thing getting frustrating and going off on a guy, but that was almost a good four minutes long! Talk about unneccesay.

Ya, but you're only hearing Bale, and you're not seeing anything. If you're trying to make a point to someone, even if you're irrationally yelling at them, you don't give up until you feel they've understood you, the guy could have been rolling his eyes at him, ignoring him, we don't know, that's why I don't think you can judge his character but a brief audio cut like this.
He is allowed to be upset but so is the guy he is talking about and star or not, you talk like that to someone, i hope that someone punched him in the mouth
Huge hollywood stars get away with it too,while guys like us would loose our job.

They sure aint Saints,but they get threated like one,guys on the set gotta tolerate so much ^^^^ from actors and directors im sure...
Ya, but you're only hearing Bale, and you're not seeing anything. If you're trying to make a point to someone, even if you're irrationally yelling at them, you don't give up until you feel they've understood you, the guy could have been rolling his eyes at him, ignoring him, we don't know, that's why I don't think you can judge his character but a brief audio cut like this.

If you turn it way up you can hear the other guy. He said he was sorry at least once. I totally understand Bale being upset if the guy was messing his scene up, but there is no need to go on about it for 4 and a half min and cuss the guy up one side and down the other.

Most people can't act that way at work so he should be enough of a "pro" to make his point w/o acting like he's 10 years old.
You and me, we're done professionally.


(professional would be the key there...)

Most people can't act that way at work so he should be enough of a "pro" to make his point w/o acting like he's 10 years old.

Trouble is the tolerance. He's always been endulged always so there's no restraints at this point.

It's the Hollywood system that's screwed up. Can't really blame people for behaving certain ways when they're surrounded by a world that tolerates and supports it. For us on the outside it's like "who the ^^^^ do you think you are" but in their world, this could have been something very mild. Hollywood's corrupt and degraded.
Best f'kn Al Pacino impersonation PERIOD !

Guaranteed he grabbed his machine gun after, screamin "Say ello to my leetil friend"
LMAO! ahahahaha

''and how was it? i hope it was ^^^^in good!''
Trouble is the tolerance. He's always been endulged always so there's no restraints at this point.

It's the Hollywood system that's screwed up. Can't really blame people for behaving certain ways when they're surrounded by a world that tolerates and supports it. For us on the outside it's like "who the ^^^^ do you think you are" but in their world, this could have been something very mild. Hollywood's corrupt and degraded.

Sure I can. He's a grown man and knows better even he's been "allowed" to get away with it or not. If someone looked right back at him and told him to STFU once in a while he might not it as much either.

Either way he's a grown man and knows what's professional and respecful. He'd demand that people treat him well and he KNOWS how to treat people well, but he chooses to act this way instead.
I'm disappointed with Bale.The dude f@@@ed up fine, but it's not Bale's job to to deal with that guy, his job is to act. How would he feel if the director freaked out on him like that because he messed up a line.
who doesn't have stress in their lives? i am certain each and every one of us face annoying circumstances each and every day without spazzing... or earning millions.