Premium Format Christopher Reeve Superman PF - part 1

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Re: Christopher Reeve Superman PF

If by "massive" you mean 2.5 FEET HIGH!!!!!!!

My only complaint with this right nowis that the arms and hands, especially the hands, still look a little small to me. That and I think that wire cape will be a ***** to pose.

Lmao yeah maybe I shouldve said Gigantic. Yeah I wish he was bulkier. He looks like he's a Superman in a Superboy's body ;) cape is nice and yeah probably. the more I look at it the more I love it, the base and EX are pure ***** IMO but like Cartman put it, you dont really need the EX for this. Wouldve loved a COH with a half downwards head turn to the right like he was looking down at the break

Sent from the Bat Computer
Re: Christopher Reeve Superman PF

I'm happy for those who want to order this and feel it is a good likeness and acceptable pose. I just can't do it and I wanted to sooo badly! Christopher Reeve was my SUPERMAN. I was born after the George Reeves era, and though I watched that show in reruns, he was never really an acceptable SUPERMAN to me.

I remember the magic of sitting in a movie theater in 1978 and hearing that fabulous John Williams score over the opening credits. When we finally saw Mr. Reeve in the fortress, I got chills! I had looked forward to this figure a lot. I am not afraid to spend money on something I perceive as a must have purchase (just ask my wife) and I really thought this was going to be one of those times. I don't want to have to settle for this. I want it to be an addition to my collection that I am proud of and can't live without. I've waited 35 years or so, I can wait a little longer.
Re: Christopher Reeve Superman PF

I'm happy for those who want to order this and feel it is a good likeness and acceptable pose. I just can't do it and I wanted to sooo badly! Christopher Reeve was my SUPERMAN. I was born after the George Reeves era, and though I watched that show in reruns, he was never really an acceptable SUPERMAN to me.

I remember the magic of sitting in a movie theater in 1978 and hearing that fabulous John Williams score over the opening credits. When we finally saw Mr. Reeve in the fortress, I got chills! I had looked forward to this figure a lot. I am not afraid to spend money on something I perceive as a must have purchase (just ask my wife) and I really thought this was going to be one of those times. I don't want to have to settle for this. I want it to be an addition to my collection that I am proud of and can't live without. I've waited 35 years or so, I can wait a little longer.

Its going to be a long wait my friend. However I understand where you're coming from. It just doesn't appeal to you as much as you had hoped. That really sucks. Maybe you'll change your mind in the upcoming weeks and months. Im sure a lot of ppl will.

Sent from the Bat Computer
Re: Christopher Reeve Superman PF

Looks a bit freaky to me, similar to the way the Cinamaquette does.

Not like the cinamaquette one. That one looks like Supes has been smoking heroin or something. It looks so wrong. This one isnt perfect but that one isnt Superman lol

Sent from the Bat Computer
Re: Christopher Reeve Superman PF

I think this looks great. I'd be tempted to pick it up if I had the room.
Re: Christopher Reeve Superman PF

Of all the PFs for Sideshow to fail on…this one merits the full double Picard.

Re: Christopher Reeve Superman PF

This PF blows harder than Superman trying to put out a fire. At least I've got the Comic version on order.
Re: Christopher Reeve Superman PF

I think this looks great. I'd be tempted to pick it up if I had the room.

I do wish SSC would stop with the super tall PFs of characters that don't need to be so tall. Only because it makes it harder to find places to display them. If you put this piece in your Besta you won't be able to put another piece on of the other shelves.

This is personal preference of course. I can understand why many would be excited about the size but SSC just keeps putting out taller and taller items. I can Understand with a HULK PF or a character like that as they are tall characters to begin with. But it's just getting harder and harder to get these guys to fit in my Besta's. Of course the taller SSC makes these items (even though most of it is boring base) they can justify the price hikes.

Yet another reason I would have preferred a boring pose like this :)

Re: Christopher Reeve Superman PF

I am actually trying to hunt one down. absolutely KILLER!!
Re: Christopher Reeve Superman PF

I do wish SSC would stop with the super tall PFs of characters that don't need to be so tall. Only because it makes it harder to find places to display them. If you put this piece in your Besta you won't be able to put another piece on of the other shelves.

This is personal preference of course. I can understand why many would be excited about the size but SSC just keeps putting out taller and taller items. I can Understand with a HULK PF or a character like that as they are tall characters to begin with. But it's just getting harder and harder to get these guys to fit in my Besta's. Of course the taller SSC makes these items (even though most of it is boring base) they can justify the price hikes.

Yet another reason I would have preferred a boring pose like this :)


Then people would complain about it being such a boring pose :lol
Re: Christopher Reeve Superman PF

This one is taking a pounding just about everywhere : lol

I just hope they change the base a bit, lose that stupid black piece at the bottom its just distracting imo.
Re: Christopher Reeve Superman PF

Then people would complain about it being such a boring pose :lol

I only call it boring because he is just standing there and I think others would call it boring. To me it's a perfect pose for a Chris Reeve Superman and not boring at all.
Re: Christopher Reeve Superman PF

Porportions look really off to me. Big head small body smaller hands.
Does anyone else think this PF might also have a major issue with leaning? looks like it will topple over at the slightest touch..
Re: Christopher Reeve Superman PF

Not feeling the pose for this at all. Looks like he is slipping on a banana peel. The way they have his feet sliding down that base.
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