This fig will be glorious and peeps will be jelly and cry.
You better hope to god they change the head sculpt then, because as of right now it looks like s**t.

This fig will be glorious and peeps will be jelly and cry.
Dang! Reeves PF is going to be a massive BEAST. Check out the size of that base!
View attachment 107318
but the edition size would have been much larger to begin with if SS offered a more iconic pose.
For a piece that caused so much controversy, it appears to be doing pretty well. EX is on the WL and Less than 70 remaining on the Reg!![]()
If it is true, then that means this has sold way better than The Keatn Batman, and maybe ever
I don't reckon they'll do another Reeve PF.
When are they doing the first one???
Bound to happen at some point. Clearly the CR estate doesn't have an issue with licensing out his likeness.
I could be wrong but I have the feeling that SS is pulling one of their stunts where they say something is almost sold out to create a buying frenzy only to have it go back up for sale 3-4 weeks later... The old "oh hey we found 20 more crates of this statue we didn't know we had"![]()
I assume you are joking... Lol.
Well I cancelled this and moved the NRD to my last payment for Harley Quinn. The EX is nothing worth noting so I will wait to see in hand pics. I doubt I'll change my mind though. The Comic Superman PF has pretty much satisfied me completly. A reeve statue would need to look dead on for me to put some cash down for it.
Yeah, just having a little fun, lol