Cinemaquette Sparrow

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El Roranous said:
Wow, nice personal attack, really mature. :lol

Regardless of my English, which is fine by the way. You are arguing semantics. I can use the word lie in this sense.

2 : to create a false or misleading impression

Which is a 100% accurate usage of the word. Here is a website for you, my oh so great English teacher, that may guide you on your way to becoming an even larger A$$!

By the way the term you need glasses is a commonly used expression to denote that people disagree visually.

So in closing, piss off and go get your girlfriend some glasses too because she needs them desperately. :D

Wow..seems I have stirred up a few emotions here.Sorry if I have offended anyone.I am not a English teacher but to say my opinion is "a lie" seemed a strange choice of words.No personal attack intended.I am also not a 'retard' as someone suggested and yes,I consider myself an artist as I love to paint.
If I wanted this piece,I could afford it and saying that I woud'nt pay $25 for it was a exageration on my part.I do not go round critising things just for the hell of it,but the Indy statue just does'nt look right to me which is a great shame as the rest of the sculpt and detail are amazing.I agree, Jack Sparrow is probably the most perfect human likeness I have seen and I am seriously thinking about going after this that everyone has bashed me for airing my opinion,I'll leave this thread alone and hope I have caused no offence.
P.S - Its not just my girlfriend who agreed with me - its everyone I have showed the pics to.
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If these 2 pieces were exactly the same price, which would sell more? The answer is obvious.
bonsey said:
Wow..seems I have stirred up a few emotions here.Sorry if I have offended anyone.I am not a English teacher but to say my opinion is "a lie" seemed a strange choice of words.No personal attack intended.I am also not a 'retard' as someone suggested and yes,I consider myself an artist as I love to paint.
If I wanted this piece,I could afford it and saying that I woud'nt pay $25 for it was a exageration on my part.I do not go round critising things just for the hell of it,but the Indy statue just does'nt look right to me which is a great shame as the rest of the sculpt and detail are amazing.I agree, Jack Sparrow is probably the most perfect human likeness I have seen and I am seriously thinking about going after this that everyone has bashed me for airing my opinion,I'll leave this thread alone and hope I have caused no offence.
P.S - Its not just my girlfriend who agreed with me - its everyone I have showed the pics to.

I think we all went a little over board there. The thing of it is when people make big purchases like this one, they don't want to hear (or read in this case) their purchase(s) being scrutinized. I understand not everyone is going to agree with the next person, but I also can understand how hurtful or defeating it may sound when someone puts so much effort, love, and work into obtaining such an exuberant and stellar piece. Nobody wants to hear negative stuff like it's not that great. I wouldn't even pay 25 bucks for that! Case in point with Rory picking up the CM Jack.

As the old adage would often go, "If you don't have nothing nice to say, don't bother saying anything at all."

At the same time, I am not trying to say you can't express and have your own opinions. We're all entitled to them. You can hate or love the CM pieces as much as you want. If this was a thread in which the individual was more-or-less asking for an opinion of the piece, rather than a guy saying, look I am absolutely in love with this piece and I'll stop at nothing to get it like Rory had established in the starter post to this thread, then I can understand. However, that wasn't the case. So I can see why some people, especially Rory in this case, would get defensive.

I find one of the bigger problems, not just with these forums, but even with life in general, we as a society have a problem in giving opinions or advice when it isn't asked for or wanted.

Sometimes people just want to share with the rest of the world that they got a new special someone or something in their life, and pretty much all they want is a listening party. Maybe even some appreciation. We don't want everything to be criticized, analyzed, picked apart, or hear some opinion or advice, unless it is warranted.

If that ever happened in the thread, then I apologize. That's my understanding as to why some people maybe upset. They just don't feel like they need someone telling them that it isn't worth the purchase and it's not to your satisfaction.

That's the impression I got anyway from Rory. He just wanted to tell his friends on here about his future purchase. All he wants is for us to accept that.

Is that more to your liking Ed?
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customizerwannabe said:
Grammatical errors aside, well put young man!:D

arg, this isn't english class, be gone with the errors, and the other errors, and those errors, and my errors, and everybody's errors, errors galore !!!
customizerwannabe said:
Grammatical errors aside, well put young man!:D

My apologies Ed, I am sick and I breezed through it. As you know my good polished posts usually show they have been edited. As you can see this one hasn't been touched. After all, I am a perfectionist. Lets see what I f'ed up on. hehe

Okay nobody quote my post because I am going to edit it! Seriously I am so tired and sick you meano! hehe
customizerwannabe said:
Well done. Much better. You can get out of the corner and remove the pointy hat now.:rotfl

Ed, read my post now. I hope you like it. lol

Let me know if it I need to work on it some more.
Don't know what happened there.I posted a reply to Eli26 on the last page and it diappeared?? Basically,I said I totally agreed with the post.I did not know this was a appreciation thread for the Indy statue so I apologise to those who think its the nuts.Each to their own.If you are buying it then I am sure you will be happy with it.At the end of the day it all comes down to personal taste and I'm sure there is stuff in my collection that others would not like.
I do not like being told to 'piss off' and to the person who said it - sorry I upset you that much to resort to that type of aggression.I feel as big of a part of this board as the next person and do not want people to think I'm an arse.
bonsey said:
Don't know what happened there.I posted a reply to Eli26 on the last page and it diappeared?? Basically,I said I totally agreed with the post.I did not know this was a appreciation thread for the Indy statue so I apologise to those who think its the nuts.Each to their own.If you are buying it then I am sure you will be happy with it.At the end of the day it all comes down to personal taste and I'm sure there is stuff in my collection that others would not like.
I do not like being told to 'piss off' and to the person who said it - sorry I upset you that much to resort to that type of aggression.I feel as big of a part of this board as the next person and do not want people to think I'm an arse.

Well, you shouldn't be told to piss off. Sorry to read that had happened.

I personally don't think you're a bad guy and hope you still feel comfortable posting on here.

Anyway, we as collectors (including myself) can get set to defense mode very easily. Probably too easily. hehe
Eli26 said:
We Freaks gotta stick together... I hope by saying that, it won't be used against me in the "Eli..." thread. Worse, I could have said, "Don't worry bro, I got your back."

Don't worry I have no intentions going there. You bastards made me so paranoid now. Everytime I type something I got to make certain you can't make any gay innuendoes from it.
:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl
Why do you make such a big deal about the gay innuendos? If you didn't make a big deal about it, people would most likely stop doing it.
bonsey said:
Don't know what happened there.I posted a reply to Eli26 on the last page and it diappeared?? Basically,I said I totally agreed with the post.I did not know this was a appreciation thread for the Indy statue so I apologise to those who think its the nuts.Each to their own.If you are buying it then I am sure you will be happy with it.At the end of the day it all comes down to personal taste and I'm sure there is stuff in my collection that others would not like.
I do not like being told to 'piss off' and to the person who said it - sorry I upset you that much to resort to that type of aggression.I feel as big of a part of this board as the next person and do not want people to think I'm an arse.
:lol I don't care if you don't like Indy. What I do care about is you taking personal jabs at me. I told you to piss off because of that very reason. I only threw back the same attitude and aggression you gave me. So sorry that being told to piss off hurts your feelings but when you told me to take English lessons I definitely thought you were a HUGE A$$. :)
All I can say about this bickering is: "People that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones."

We all live in glass houses.