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Damn, I think I know what happened! They accidentily got Viggo's stunt double.

For $1500, a sculpt better be dead on.
i'm really disappointed that CM did not capture the facial feature perfectly. They have done great stuff and it is sad to say that this is not their best. The fabrication is amazing. The level of details are there, it just lack the likeness. Could be the photo though. Hope this will be at the con and I'll see if i can take some pics.
The costume looks fantastic, the likeness is horrible. I have seen better heads on a beer.

Easy pass.

For this amount of money you want a perfect sculpt. I know "perfect" is a relative word in this context but this one may be Aragorn but it certainly isn't Viggo!

And to be honest, you can make a figure as big or as expensive as you want with all the gear and the most beautiful clothes etc etc, if the face isn't "it" , it al stops right there, IMHO. And this face isn't it. Miles away from the Arnie figure!
Re: CM Aragorn preview pics

ok, this is the 3rd topic about it. Some mod should merge the 2 active ones together me thinks. :)
Just curious, what's all this talk about the Obi-Wan PF hitting its mark? You're not referring to the Obi-Wan that's juxtaposed with Darth Vader are you? I personally don't feel the resemblance is that great . . .

As for this . . .CM needs to tweak the face. But, personally, I have to draw the line to 1/4th PF . . .this thing won't fit any place, especially not for $1500!!!
Re: CM Aragorn preview pics

I expect much more from a piece of that size and cost.
Whilst it is no more inaccurate than the Sideshow sculpts, that is without a doubt the worst sculpt of Aragorn done on a high quality piece. At least the Sideshow sculpts still look like what you'd expect Aragorn to look like. Ouch.
The likeness does suck and the worst one I've seen on anything before. I thought the likeness on what they had at SDCC last year was much better. They did fix it so he doesn't look so bald though. :lol Everything else looks pretty good but the likeness and the stuble suck.
Anakin said:
,..not perfect,..,,but defenetly better than any aragorn out there,.,..


The only thing it's better than is any other Aragorn Cinemaquette. And that's because there is no other Aragorn Cinemaquette. :rolleyes:

PS Why do you include so many "periods" and "commas" in your posts? And no capitalization?