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I have been into military biographies lately.

I read The Operator by Robert O'Neill recently and now I'm reading American Sniper by Chris Kyle. Both great books although I think The Operator reads a bit more fluently like a story. American Sniper sometimes gets more technical or the narrative is interrupted by some paragraph that doesn't really lead anywhere, but still a thrilling read.

When I'm finished with American Sniper it's back to a western. Then I'm going to read Dead Man's Walk by Larry McMurtry.
Reading and really enjoying Tarantino’s Once Upon A Time In Hollywood novelization. Different enough to the film to not feel like a retread. Will probably finish just in time for Michael Mann’s Heat 2 novel.
The final book of the Matthew Corbett series by Robert McCammon

10 book all great reads. If you do not yet know McCammon I suggest you start to.

Boys Life
Swan Song
Gone South
To name a few.
Just recently finished another Jack Reacher, Tripwire (I think the fourth I’ve read?), which was excellent and started on my first Carl Hiaasen novel Razor Girl after loving the Bad Monkey adaptation by Apple.
I made the mistake of reading 3 Cormac McCarthy novels back-to-back. Blood Meridian, No Country for Old Men, and The Road.
At least I started with Blood Meridian, don't think I would have made it through it otherwise. It is the single bleakest piece of fiction I've ever encountered. No Country had a much breezier pace, and is a lot of fun by comparison. The Road is not fun, but has some element of hope that Blood Meridian did not.
I then read A Clockwork Orange as a palate cleanser.
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