I thought they would expand it after finding out how much money it would make them.
Hightreker said:No trades yet Dave, it's just begun it's year long run. I've been picking up all the Civil War titles so far. I thought House of M was kind of a dissapointment, but I really think Civil War is gonna be good. The New Avengers issue comes out this week, you might want to pick it up to.
TOE said:Any recommendation on new comics? I just checked out the Transformers vs GI Joe line and...
congerking said:I want to know who removed the civil war pro/con pictures on wikipedia. I had that as my signature, but now can't have it anymore and I didn't save the picture...AHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Buttmunch feels my pain.
congerking said:Really? I thought House of M wasn't too bad. My only beef with civil war is that after #3, schedule of releases isn't keeping up.That just means I have to wait longer to see Thor put a lightning bolt through someone's chest. Any mark my words, spider-man will turn on iron man before the end.
DarkArtist81 said:Yeah, it was a shocker to me that Spidey sided with Iron Man. Seemed like he would be the strongest advocate against registration. I would be 100% certain that he will eventually switch sides against Tony. Especially if other people start to get really hurt.....
I'm still wondering what will happen when this is all over!!![]()
Buttmunch said:I just hope it isn't a dream or an alternate dimension or someone is able to reverse it by going back in time or something stupid like that. For this to mean anything, things have to change permenently.
Once you registrated, the government owns you. Do you want to be owned by the government and be told what you have to do? Wouldn't you rather have the choice on what you would like to do with your powers?
I think both sides have valid points, it boils down to what is important to you personally and what you have to gain or lose from registration.
ffl1940 said:Hey Duckgoo, I know what you're saying, but we "register" for a social security number so that the goverment can take our money and spread it around for the "good of all". We're "registering" when we send in our taxes, telling the IRS everything about our income, place we live, etc when we pay our taxes (again, for the "good of all").
So I suppose if all the anti-registration people would also say that it'd be okay for people who don't want to register with/pay to Social Security because they'll provide for their own retirement that would be a little more consistent. And if people who want to provide for their own medical care don't want to contribute to any kind of medicare or national health care they should be allowed to opt-out and go their own way, unemcumbered by the government telling them what they should or shouldn't do with their lives. You could say that having to register for those things hurts your family by hurting you financially when the goverment takes your money from you.
Really I just like to point out when people are being hypocritical. I find that people want us to register for certain things that suit their fancy (i.e. political ideology) and not to register for things that don't (i.e. liberals want people to have to register guns, fly a plane, drive a car, pay taxes be part of social security and contribute to national health care all things that give up individual freedoms, but registering for anything that sets an individual apart, even one that could commit mass murder on an epic scale with a thought, that's unacceptable. Conservatives, on the other hand, want people to have to register for the Selective Service, pilot's licenses, driver's licenses, etc. want the gov't to tell scientists what stem cell lines they can use, want the gov't to limit abortion and birth control and to limit what we see on the public TV airwaves (murder and violence OK, a bare breast? call the FCC!!!!!)
Join the Libertarians!!!! The gov't should provide a judicial system, a defense for the borders (which they wouldn't leave unless we were attacked first) and the rest is just fending for yourselves!!!!![]()
Duckgoo said:I don't think your example of social security registration is valid.
The superheroes have to register because they are different than the rest of America. It's like saying if you are middle eastern in the US, you have to register. If you are non-middle eastern, then you don't have to register.
Once the government starts to treat a group of people different, then our democracy falls apart.
Why do you think Captain America is anti-registration.
These superheroes didn't have a choice with their superpowers, they can't just turn them off. Take mutants for example.
I understand that superheroes are capable of massive destruction, but they are also capable of massive good.