Re: Classic Actors & Tough Guys - Bogart, Cagney, Wayne, Eastwood, and others...
Yeah, Sparks, I happened to get a hold of one...they're still out there. And I agree with your comment on Hot Toys....their James James Deans, Brando's are pretty good. Please no more Iron man, Joker, or Star Wars please lol!
I know its buisness and people are buying it, so they keep milking, but there are so many cool characters they could do, that might not make so much money, but would bring back their rep as leading the way.
I mean dirty harry, back to the future(might be happening not sure),death wish. scarface, taxi driver, serpico, goodfellas, karate kid, re releasing the rambos with better sculpts and bodies. The good the bad the ugly, anything from quentin tarantino is gunna make serious bucks.
Oh and uncle buck

The list goes on and on.
Companies like blitzway and brothers productions and sculptors on this board are taking up the slack thank god, but hot toys ain't so hot anymore to me at least.
Star wars is not even a big priority for them.
They seem to do things half hearted and just reuse sculpts.
Re releasing all the predators apparentley aswell.
Why not?
People are sheep
Rant over I'm off to behead all my hot toys