This John Ficchi custom comes closest to the Classic imo ( he is the only one I would let touch my Darwyn Cooke PF, and that's if he'd accept the commission ).The man does amazing work.
Now this smokes EVERY Catwoman statue I've ever seen.
This John Ficchi custom comes closest to the Classic imo ( he is the only one I would let touch my Darwyn Cooke PF, and that's if he'd accept the commission ).The man does amazing work.
I still think the best catwoman is yet to b done imo. Highly hopeful of a fully sculpted arkham version
Prime1 might be the best when revealed.
Orangutans are apes not monkeys
i just knew my monkey comment was gonna elicit a response when who cares if it's a gorilla or whatever? This is about catwoman. And i'm gonna call it a monkey cause that's what i see a m o n k e y.
Anyone who bought the first CW PF is going to say that they think the first one is better lol. It factually isnt though. Just look at them side by side. The purple looks straight out of a comic, the other looks a little lacking and lifeless imo. No one will admit when they bought the lesser of two statues. The first CW PF was a mess up because she had blue eyes, grey eye pupils, bad fabric bottom, underwhelming paint etc. Not bad but not great. Catwoman should be GREAT. That being said I think the purple CW pf is much better but I am concerned about the QC issues. Most have been perfect but a shoddy paint job should be corrected by sending a replacement. Sideshow really needs to stick to fully sculpted bodies on women and leave accessories to be fabric.
Anyone who bought the first CW PF is going to say that they think the first one is better lol. It factually isnt though. Just look at them side by side. The purple looks straight out of a comic, the other looks a little lacking and lifeless imo. No one will admit when they bought the lesser of two statues. The first CW PF was a mess up because she had blue eyes, grey eye pupils, bad fabric bottom, underwhelming paint etc. Not bad but not great. Catwoman should be GREAT. That being said I think the purple CW pf is much better but I am concerned about the QC issues. Most have been perfect but a shoddy paint job should be corrected by sending a replacement. Sideshow really needs to stick to fully sculpted bodies on women and leave accessories to be fabric.
I just knew my monkey comment was gonna elicit a response when who cares if it's a gorilla or whatever? I see you got a PH.D and doctorate in primates. But this ain't about Animal Kingdom, this is about Catwoman. And I'm gonna call it a monkey cause that's what I see a M O N K E Y.
Anyone know if this will fit in a Billy from Ikea ? I have about 10 and 1/2" inches of clearance in order to close the doors.