Super Freak
SS finally saw it my way and is replacing my Catwoman statue. I think it clicked when I told them it looked like the joker painted her face. Hope I get a good replacement.
Does anyone own this and WW? Can you snap some pics of them together? I'm really considering her to display next to my WW, since I decided to pass on Aquaman.
These I left a little big, but the two pieces together would be a tight fit in a Besta.
The problem is WW's 21" long spear - even angled you'll need about 24" wide, and 15" deep.
Here she is with some of my other PFs, even with a generously sized shelf the spear makes her awkward to display.
if you're in Canada there are places to order from locally which will cost you a bit less when everything is said and done. More importantly, they can inspect your statues before shipping to ensure no qc issues.
Thanks guys. No response from Sideshow and it has been three days. I will phone tomorrow if they dont get on this. Normally I buy local but because of the small ES I ordered direct. Pretty bad they havent responded yet.
dude, it's monday. the weekend just ended no **** they didn't respond yet. it says right on the site to allow a few BUSINESS days for a response.
Thanks guys. No response from Sideshow and it has been three days. I will phone tomorrow if they dont get on this. Normally I buy local but because of the small ES I ordered direct. Pretty bad they havent responded yet.
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No words.She is going back to Sideshow. I paid nearly 700 dollars for this Canadian (including import fees). I cannot afford this company anymore when this is the third piece in a row I received with issues. Waiting on a return lable as I just fear ordering right now. I dont want to slag on Sideshow but I am just very disappointed in their QC. The head has a chip in the ear and marks on the neck, there are smudge marks on the body and her foot does not fit in her base at all. She floats. Congrats to those that got a good one, lucky people... she is beautiful in person if you get a good one. Happy Halloween everyone.
Mine came in as bad. Dosen't fit on the base chips all over and the hand with the whip the magnet is super weak. It sucks that sideshows CQ is this bad like hell. $400.00+ were does that money go? I see rarly see CQ problems with a $60.00 Koto piece and that company make almost everything under the sun. Model kits, Statues, PVC figure, Figures, ice trays and so on. Like boy oOo boy. I like the artistest at sideshow but the cheap company these make them a nightmare to get a piece that you ordered.
I received my Catwoman today. I think I am lucky, she is perfect! I am very happy with my purchase. The Sideshow figures are very expensive for us foreign customers. It's always a pain when you receive a bad product.
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I received my Catwoman today. I think I am lucky, she is perfect! I am very happy with my purchase. The Sideshow figures are very expensive for us foreign customers. It's always a pain when you receive a bad product.
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Mine arrived this morning and I just finished unpacking her. Everyone is correct about that right arm... be VERY careful when trying to remove her from the styrofoam.
Overall, mine came in almost perfect. Face looks great, body had a weird blemish that worried me, until I found that it rubbed right off. My only complaint is the seam on the neck. The head on mine has a pretty good size gap... and some give back and forth, so the gap is larger in the front because the weight of the hair pulls the whole head backwards. How is the neck gap on everyone else's?
It should fit snugly. I use compressed air to blow debris out of peg holes and sand off excess paint at times. If yours is wobbly you could add tape to thicken the peg.
So I checked the magnets... the one on the body and the one in the neck are slightly raised to some extent. Basically, the head won't go down any further due to the magnets![]()
Hey, SDguy, sorry to hear this. Mine is flush and the way it's supposed to be sitting on the body. Did you trying pushing the magnets in a little bit with your fingers. 1500 made and they have issues, unbelievable.