I'm kinda disappointed it's not PF...
Finally sold out brahs!!!
750 is my guesss
who knows??? that last few highly anticipated items all took over a day to sell out, the venom lsb took over a day and it's es is at 400 i believe.
now the scar vs savage also took close to if not over a day to sell also, we'll have to see the es of that one.
i keep thinking of the es of the sim of 1250 and it sold out in only 8 mins, but someone brought it to my attention that most of them sold at the sdcc, so how many actually sold online during those 8 mins??
and if iron spidey would of been released in an orderly manner, instead of in the middle of the day on a monday, again how quickly would of that one sold out??
just pointing out that the time that it takes to sell out these items is hard way to gauge the es, since their release dates, times, price and hype to biuld up to the piece (scar/savage had a whole week of hype, while im only had 1/2 a day)all are different variables.
i believe that sideshow already has an edition size in mind when they set these items up for sale, within reason.
Oh yeah I totally agree with you, do u remember when the faux bronze was on a online pre-order through their site, that was gone in a matter of seconds, no doubt I believe that there was fixed number of these guys...
Getting release around 6:00 am doesn't help out the IM either, I don't think there was even that many of us on the forum at that point, LOL or awake for that matter, guess I'm lucky I'm a early bird!![]()
yeah, i've been checking every morning first thing when i get up at 6:30, for the last week. i'm thinking i can probably not worry about that now since they did their early morning release for this spook.
yeah right i'll be a checking still,unfortunately i'll be away most of the day tommorrow, so i might miss something, but if i do i'll be on the wait list as soon as i get home. as most will convert if i get on right away, that's if i even want what i miss out on.
I'm actually very glad I have ordered this gay Iron Man...I like him a lot.
Is there still talk about Venom, that might be the last straw with me... I wouldn't be interested in the AH stuff since I don't have any of th grls and my wife would think less of me if I purchased such figures, I'm lucky she lets me get away with most of these, I'll have to buy her some stuff, coach bags, pay off her credit card, etc... Put me in the good light, she doesn't know abt the IM hot toys, Iron Spidey, GR Throne, Scar vs Savage and the latest Classic IM![]()
order in for exc
might cancel later though, still not happy with the pose, abs, with the flag...etc
The detail is not as impressive as the first comiquette. And it's pricey.
FLEXPay - Classic Iron Man
Sideshow Exclusive Edition
Still available!!!
Grab it while you still can!!!![]()
Can anyone confirm something for me? If you make a PRE-ORDER on a FLEX PAY item and decide to CANCEL AT ANY TIME, do you still pay a cancelation fee? (ie. if I order this today and cancel tomorrow vs ordering today and canceling 5 months from now) To my understanding, it's a fee no matter how long you had the pre-order posted in your account.
Any experiences?
the answers you seek https://www.sideshowtoy.com/helpdesk/
Just because I find this piece boring does not mean that I'm a homophobic person.
I think we can all agree to disagree on which polystone statues we like but please don't begin to label others as homophobic because they don't like the pose or anti american because they find the flag cheesy.