I, too, will eat a bit of crow on this one.
I admit that my judgements were based solely on P!tu's Photoshopped image, compiled from the video. As such, they were a bit hasty.
The pose is still awkward. Looking at the position of his spine, it's downright unnatural from what I can tell. A bit too exaggerated. His posture could have done with a bit more understating.
My earlier opinion of the sculpt in general was unfairly based on mental comparisons with the current Extremis armor, which I find to be a superior design. In retrospect, my comments were disingenuous and hasty. This is, overall, an excellent representation of the classic Iron Man armor, which was designed to be simple to draw at the cost of sacrificing realism and functionality in appearance.
As I said earlier, the Stark sculpt is fantastic.

Very stern, very serious. It's a real gameface. And, when coupled with the helmet cradled in his arm, it makes for what is likely the most "must-have" of all the Sideshow Marvel exclusives.
I still stand by many of my comments on the pose. The overarched back, the position of the left hand on the regular edition, and the posing of the legs all combine to form a classic bikini model pose.

But I realize that my opinions are based on a group of photographs. In my mind, I can't imagine that the Sideshow gang would allow a "Bikini Model Iron Man" to go into production. So I can only assume that the thing looks stellar from other angles. I'm really looking forward to the 360 QTVR to show that my hopes are justified.
So ... yeah.

I ordered it. It's (too?) expensive, the posing is exaggerated, and the presence of the flag is questionable. But I'm getting it anyway. Call me weak. But I'm too big of a fan of Iron Man and of Sideshow to say no.
Apologies to Sideshow and the design team for my (drunken) comments the other night.
Nash ... you may commence with the flaming.