OT Preferist
Man talk about an unwarranted spoiler WG

You know The Joker will have a great death.
Man talk about an unwarranted spoiler WG![]()
That's ok. Rumor has it Jokez escapes at the end of TDK, opening the door for the inevitable third flick and his eventual doom.
K, I just got back and Liked it a lot, not loved it, but glad I saw it esp in the theater!! Typical JJ movie I left with more questions the when I went into it. I really hope they have a sequel with...did it really die with the nuke, what the crap was it, more shots from news helicopters, etc...
8 out of 10 dancing wookies :chew:chew:chew:chew:chew:chew:chew:chew
but damn it I missed the thing falling out of the sky!!!
Him escaping or ending up in AA would make the movieeven more.
oh, and those of you wondering about the camera they used, look at this.
I recognized him from an episode of "Lost" as well as "Unknown" (a great movie).
I also noticed the younger brother was the long blonde haired kid from the TCM remake.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
I prefer my horror flicks from pre-1980.![]()
But most importantly I liked the non-Hollywood ending.
But, but... the ending was *totally* Hollywood! Our three heroes (and the video camera) somehow all survived the helicopter crash still able to run, the monster-lover (Hud) was appropriately devoured by the subject of his awe after a very Hollywood monster close-up, the lovers were reunited, the monster died (or did it?!... haha, gotcha!)... and more! The story that the movie was actually about (the human story) was tied up in the most clichéd Hollywood way possible.
The story I WANTED to know about... was not even explored.
The only way I would have felt anything other than hilarity at the end is if the girl was DOA when they climbed up to her apartment. THEN I would have been sad and horror stricken, and it could in no way be called a Hollywood ending.
I love this stuff![]()
Dusty admit it. You hated this movie.![]()
You're exactly right... hated the movie... totally enjoyed (and still enjoying) the experience![]()