just me
Good points Dusty. But as I've gotten older, the WHY in storytelling isn't as important to me as it once was. I really enjoy strange stuff like William Burroughs where very little is resolved, if anything. I love the beauty and flow of the language and imagery as much if not more than the raw plot. Twin Peaks was about so much more than simply who killed Laura Palmer and I hope LOST will be the same when all is said and done. It's all about the journey and not the destination.![]()
Okay, here's where it gets confusing, and I really have no idea how to explain myself very well. I LOVE the journey... when it's poetic and well-formed and shows us ways of living that we've never thought of before.
For me, J.J. Abrams stuff is not beautiful and flowing and doesn't reveal any truths about life that haven't already been learned in the 3rd grade (loyalty, love, etc). It's like he's a used car salesman, who knows he's selling us a lemon, so uses superficial plot devices, camera perspectives, and unsolved mysteries to lead us to believe that we're getting a Cadillac.
Did that make any sense whatsoever?

BTW, LOVE Twin Peaks and Naked Lunch. I do not see any of that raw talent in the work of J.J. Abrams (LOST, Alias, Cloverfield being my main experiences with his work). I see a salesman who's super good at the pitch and the promises, but not so good at the delivery. Like a politician!