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I wasn't calling you out Khev, I know better than to mess with a Mod :wink1:

And I agree 110% with everyone who says that they are entitles to voice their opinion, and far be it for me to deny anyone that right. Thought you guys knew me better than that :lol I guess it's frustration with the "broken record" than anything else.

Oh don't hesitate to call one of us out, that's fine, but the broken record goes both ways. For every post not 100% pleased with SSC's artistic liberties about any given piece there's one complaining about people who want exact copies of the original figures.

For the record, I do want exact copies, and I think SSC's unwillingness to do so for the most part is limiting the awesomeness of this line. Its still awesome though, and like I said they don't have to be exact replicas of their 3 inch counterparts but they better look fantastic and at least scream "1980's A REAL AMERICAN HERO" even if every last detail doesn't match exactly. That's all I (and am guessing many others) want.

If Sideshow wants to change something on a classic character then they tread a slippery slope because any change better be 1.) unquestionably better to justify said change and 2.) sure as heck not make me think about anything related to Devil's Due.

That's all.

This CC is pretty damn impressive. If the exclusive was better (the hood just doesn't seem right for whatever reason) I think this would be a hot seller and very hard to get for a decent price down the line. Since the mask will most certainly be the definitive way to display this PF I'm not concerned about plunking down the $30 to secure a preorder. I still have to mull it over, and if all that's left is a regular version down the line so be it.
For the record, I do want exact copies, and I think SSC's unwillingness to do so for the most part is limiting the awesomeness of this line. Its still awesome though, and like I said they don't have to be exact replicas of their 3 inch counterparts but they better look fantastic and at least scream "1980's A REAL AMERICAN HERO" even if every last detail doesn't match exactly. That's all I (and am guessing many others) want.

If Sideshow wants to change something on a classic character then they tread a slippery slope because any change better be 1.) unquestionably better to justify said change and 2.) sure as heck not make me think about anything related to Devil's Due.

Adding some realism to these pieces and what SS has done actually for me personally has made them better than the toys I had as a kid.
I can totally see posing this Cobra Commander PF in front of a major GIJoe diorama using 1/6 figures....

a sssstatue to show cobra commander'ssssss greatnessssSSsss
I can totally see posing this Cobra Commander PF in front of a major GIJoe diorama using 1/6 figures....

a sssstatue to show cobra commander'ssssss greatnessssSSsss

In front of ? possibly you were meaning in back of or else you will not see the cowardly 1/6 figures att all