Premium Format Cobra Commander Premium Format

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Everyone please take a look at the 360 and tell me that the pose is not awkward looking with him leaning back so far.

I just can't place it but something about the pose looks off....still really want to love this piece. My favorite character by far and I can't pull the trigger yet *sigh*
I can confirm that Cobra Commander is indeed holding a gun in the hand behind his back. A photo showcasing that hand and weapon has been added to the photo gallery (thank you SideshowDennis) for your viewing enjoyment (though you may need to wait a couple of minutes and then refresh since the site is syncing right now)! :)

I can confirm that Cobra Commander is indeed holding a gun in the hand behind his back. A photo showcasing that hand and weapon has been added to the photo gallery (thank you SideshowDennis) for your viewing enjoyment (though you may need to wait a couple of minutes and then refresh since the site is syncing right now)! :)


Way to come out and ease the naysayers' worries, SideshowAlex.

Ok, I am gonna think about it for a bit while I go pick my daughter up. But, I really want it.

It reminds me of my child hood playing G.I. Joe with my brother and my parents buying me the figures....

and the black Jet for Christmas one year that I wanted so bad they got me.

What was it called? Someone please?

EDIT : Night Raven...I remembered!! :)
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Ok, I am gonna think about it for a bit while I go pick my daughter up. But, I really want it.

It reminds me of my child hood playing G.I. Joe with my brother and my parents buying me the figures....

and the black Jet for Christmas one year that I wanted so bad they got me.

What was it called? Someone please?
Was this it
Was this it

Yes, thanks a lot! I remember one year my parents got me that for Christmas. We didn't have much money a couple of Christmas's I remember. But, my parents always got us each one "big" gift. And, the Night Raven was it that year.

We got like only 3 or 4 presents that year, and that Night Raven meant the world to me.

It's actually one of the Christmas's that means the most to me.
Im quite excited about this, it looks awesome, ex ordered!
The only statue I have is the Punisher comiquette so I was on the fence until I saw the specs to se if they would good together size wise. The only difference seems to be an inch in height, cant believe how big PF's are.
Well, decision made, ex ordered!

I also used my reward points on this, bringing it to $220, which is not so bad.
Yes, thanks a lot! I remember one year my parents got me that for Christmas. We didn't have much money a couple of Christmas's I remember. But, my parents always got us each one "big" gift. And, the Night Raven was it that year.

We got like only 3 or 4 presents that year, and that Night Raven meant the world to me.

It's actually one of the Christmas's that means the most to me.

That was one of my favorite GI Joe toys, besides the rolling thunder.
I can confirm that Cobra Commander is indeed holding a gun in the hand behind his back. A photo showcasing that hand and weapon has been added to the photo gallery (thank you SideshowDennis) for your viewing enjoyment (though you may need to wait a couple of minutes and then refresh since the site is syncing right now)! :)


Awesome, thanks Ace! And...that clinches it, ordered. :yess: