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I think the worth of this one will really depend on the next release, which I assume will be Baroness. Not that I care about resale value, especially with this piece but I bet it does pretty decent a year later.
I would say they are going to do something like the ToD Indy and ToD Mola Ram, so I'd expect a Joe. I can't really put a finger on the one I'd want as a 20 inch "Snake Eyes" while sounding cool, would likely be too dark to see all the good detail since his uniform is all black (well his most popular one). So then the obvious ones would be like "Duke", "Scarlett", "Roadblock", "Gung Ho", etc.
I am gonna be pretty pissed that they gave us the sneak of Baroness and we don't see her next. :)

They showed a quick sneak of Snake Eyes during that presentation as well. Not as much as CC and Baroness but you could see the top torso of the SE PF scrolling across the bottom with some other WIP figures.

I'm guessing we'll see him next, but would certainly be fine with Baroness.

Really? Where's the sneak? They could also do a Destro and I'd be happy.

Just let the buyer know that its pre-order and when it arrives they will get there product. Ive never done it, but I see it alot.
They're selling it as a preorder, just like Sideshow is doing. Unless something with ebay has changed I don't believe they're actually supposed to do that.

Yea I don't think they are. I am sure if you reported it, it would come down pretty fast.
It's weird as wouldn't this dude get paid LONG before the product ever ships and what if a problem arises with him obtaining the product from SSC to then pass onto the winner of the auction?
Yeah, I think there is a 30 day pre-order policy on eBay. Paypal gives you 45 days to file a complaint, so it is not a good idea to pre-order through there IMO.
Yeah, I think there is a 30 day pre-order policy on eBay. Paypal gives you 45 days to file a complaint, so it is not a good idea to pre-order through there IMO.

Yeah I mean why even attempt it and take the chance. If your going to PO then might as well do it from sideshow. Its not like hes giving the buyer any kind of deal. I never understand things like that.
I lost $300 pre-ordering the HT Jokers from some scumbags and learned the hard way not to pre-order more than 45 days ahead of time unless you are dealing with an EXTREMELY reputable seller (i.e., Sideshow itself), or unless there is no risk and up-front charge (i.e., BBTS, Viking Playground). If I must, I'll put down a deposit or pre-order from a place with a 10% charge for a canceled pre-order. But I don't even like to do that.