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I dont' care how exclusive something is, if I like it I'll buy it and if I don't I won't. COLLECTLIKEYOUGIVEADAMN. :lol
More free money for Sideshow...:LOL. Sideshow has to love all the folks that cancel nowadays.

Oh well not my Jackson's.

Really wondering what the agenda behind all the ETA push back.

Since we have laid out the cash and are purchasing the products, it would be nice to get a unified PR response from a Sideshow rep on why everything seems to be getting pushed back...??? I'd like to know since I (we) have all heavily invested and pre-ordered in SSC products.... Also would be nice if they could let us know what month to expect price info on the LSF.. just say'in...:)
I had 9 flexpay orders pushed back, I will be hit very hard come Nov/Jan time becuase of this.

Dang Spazzy! You're a high roller! I recently also had to make some tough choices and cancelled both movie PF Thor and Cap. I'm settling with the HT's for those. If I can manage though, I'm definitely picking up CC PF!
lol I try, but flexpay is the only reason I can buy so much. But all of them getting pushed back I will feel it in a few months...might need to sell something to offset the onslaught.
Since we have laid out the cash and are purchasing the products, it would be nice to get a unified PR response from a Sideshow rep on why everything seems to be getting pushed back...??? I'd like to know since I (we) have all heavily invested and pre-ordered in SSC products.... Also would be nice if they could let us know what month to expect price info on the LSF.. just say'in...:)


This is SS's MO, the poor collectors who put a deposit in for the Prime Maquette are dealing with the same issue. I think they had a 6 month (?) delay with no answer...:slap

SS definitely needs to improve the PR...
Hey guys can anyone that attended sdcc this year kindly tell me if the commander is a bit chunky in the waist and legs area or is just an optical illusion from the pics on sideshow ??

I messed up and missed out. I just put myself on the waitlist. I'm new to ordering direct so I thought there would be some kind of low quantity. I'm hoping as long as it took to sell out I should be up high on the waitlist. I definately won't wait around when the Baroness is up for pre-order.
I am sure you will get in, there are always cancellations or credit card declines. Of course now with the NRD there aren't as many conversions as there used to be.