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Not really, that would have to be done before the costume is sewed, so the possibility of complete chaos would be there.

Not necessarily. They could've made an overlay template and painted it on after the figure was assembled. It's a simple step taking no more time than it would to paint his sculpted collar pins silver. :huh
Not necessarily. They could've made an overlay template and painted it on after the figure was assembled. It's a simple step taking no more time than it would to paint his sculpted collar pins silver. :huh

Nah, your wrong I work in this feild. It's not as simple as you state. Doing that leaves the error of mistake and then you have a completely assembled clothed figure with a bothced symbol. Not cost effective.
Nah, your wrong I work in this feild. It's not as simple as you state. Doing that leaves the error of mistake and then you have a completely assembled clothed figure with a bothced symbol. Not cost effective.

Shake those pompoms all you want. The decision to do an iron on, for a focal point on a $300 statue is just downright cheap. It looks worse than a crooked painted sigil would. Ideally, it should've been embroidered, either on the fabric or on a patch and attached to the fabric.
Shake those pompoms all you want. The decision to do an iron on, for a focal point on a $300 statue is just downright cheap. It looks worse than a crooked painted sigil would. Ideally, it should've been embroidered, either on the fabric or on a patch and attached to the fabric.

ummm...okay we can agree to disagree....
nam usually does agree to disagree, but once again, I find myself in total agreement with him on the cheapness factor brought on my the "iron on." It is the primary reason I am choosing to forfeit my NRD...
ummm...okay we can agree to disagree....

Hey, if you like it, more power to ya. But don't tell me it's not cheap. I can get embroidered 1" x 1" patches for $1 a piece if I order 100. Given CC's ES, a smaller patch could've easily been had for pennies. And hands down, that would've looked better than the iron on.

Whatever helps you guys talk yourself out of it. :dance

Vs. walking around like this:

luckily I am looking at it in front of me and not from the side :lol


I'm going to venture off and say that this is one thread that probably most the post made are from the naysayers. It's funny because they really think that they are change folks mine's, or else why would someone keep consistently coming back say everything and anything negative about the piece. It not like we haven't heard over and over again already.
I just really wanted to love this piece when I was on my way to SDCC, and I think they should have shown the figure in it's best light, final, or stated that the sigl (sp.) would be corrected for final production. But I asked and was told the look was final, then decided to cancel although I have not been able to yet. I really wanted to love this figure and it could have been great, and believe me, I don't enjoy loosing $30 either.

Lesson learned...
I'm going to venture off and say that this is one thread that probably most the post made are from the naysayers. It's funny because they really think that they are change folks mine's, or else why would someone keep consistently coming back say everything and anything negative about the piece. It not like we haven't heard over and over again already.

You don't like it, you're more than welcome to skitter back into the nice dark, damp Marvel boards. :wave

We don't jock-hop here and aren't afraid to point out issues with releases, beit 1/4, 1/6 or even 1/18. :wink1:
I'm going to venture off and say that this is one thread that probably most the post made are from the naysayers. It's funny because they really think that they are change folks mine's, or else why would someone keep consistently coming back say everything and anything negative about the piece. It not like we haven't heard over and over again already.

I agree, but that is most threads on this forum about statues, this community is more 12" figure collectors than statue collectors, which we should all be ok with one another since it is sideshow freaks, not sideshow 12" freaks, or sideshow statue freaks.
