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Makes no sense in trying to explain your point. It'll just get turned around and twisted, then you'll find yourself disagreeing/defending yourself. Like it never really gets explained why the need to keep coming back and bashing if you don't like the piece...:slap Idiotic if you ask me. But I'm sure it's some just reasoning for those few.

I know, I got pulled into it, and couldn't turn away.
I appreciate being called idiotic here, even though all I did was state my displeasure with the product which presented itself at SDCC, and the fact that I would be losing my $30, through basically nobody's fault buy my own. Never, did I try to dissuade anyone else from purchasing the figure. I do still like it overall, but for my own personal taste, I cannot let the detail of the insignia go at the price point we are paying.
Fury- I say you do what you said to save the $30 (hey that is still mcdonalds and a movie) and if you can afford to do so, just return it if you are indeed unhappy with it.

Have you tried contact them about transferring your NRD to another? I hear they give you a one time courtesy transfer.
I appreciate being called idiotic here, even though all I did was state my displeasure with the product which presented itself at SDCC, and the fact that I would be losing my $30, through basically nobody's fault buy my own. Never, did I try to dissuade anyone else from purchasing the figure. I do still like it overall, but for my own personal taste, I cannot let the detail of the insignia go at the price point we are paying.

Bro', if you are not one of those members that has posted 50 times in this thread and out of those 50 post, 45 of them are just pure negativity for the statue. Then I was talking about you , but if you have just stated your dislike in a normal rant. I totally get having your personal dislikes. Just when you get to stating over and over your displeasure's, that's all that I'm referring to in my post.

I still don't think that you should give SSC a free $30, but sometimes a collector has to do what they have to do. But I would at least give SS a call to ask for NRD to be transferred if this is your first cancellation.
Bro', if you are not one of those members that has posted 50 times in this thread and out of those 50 post, 45 of them are just pure negativity for the statue. Then I was talking about you , but if you have just stated your dislike in a normal rant. I totally get having your personal dislikes. Just when you get to stating over and over your displeasure's, that's all that I'm referring to in my post.

I still don't think that you should give SSC a free $30, but sometimes a collector has to do what they have to do. But I would at least give SS a call to ask for NRD to be transferred if this is your first cancellation.

Nobody has 45+ posts in this thread _____ing about this piece. So the only idiot would be the one inferring others are so because he's unable to count anything past digits and piggies. You want to buy this piece and shake your pompoms because you feel that it being made from polystone makes it infallible, that's on you. Get off your ____ing high horse and stop belittling members who don't see things your way. Spazzy's managed to understand that but you can't stop from trolling your elitist bull____. This thread is for everybody, not just elitists, so learn to deal with that or you're more than welcome to skitter back to SF and your game of limp biscuit there with others who share your opinion.
...reads nams sig... Yup elitist bull____.

I'm buying this piece just because everything I read from Nam is ass over tea kettle ____ed up. Which means it must be worth having.
This is actually the first Joe thread where I remember this much conflict, though there's been anti-statue sentiment by some going back a loooong time.

The 12" threads are pretty collegial, as far as those things go.