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I agree, but that is most threads on this forum about statues, this community is more 12" figure collectors than statue collectors, which we should all be ok with one another since it is sideshow freaks, not sideshow 12" freaks, or sideshow statue freaks.


Only time that you seem to get a brake from the consistent moaning of a single piece is on the Marvel/DC forums on here. But I'm one of those members that really only consistently show up in threads of items/collectibles that I actually like and want for my collection.
I only come here mainly for my collection room, and there is a consistent talk of G I joe, Hisstank is nice when I want to talk 3 3/4" figures, here is mostly 12" Joes, and once in awhile statue talk, but yeah mostly complaining about it. I plan on getting all the SS Joe statues, so bad or good in anyones eyes I will love them.
I agree, but that is most threads on this forum about statues, this community is more 12" figure collectors than statue collectors, which we should all be ok with one another since it is sideshow freaks, not sideshow 12" freaks, or sideshow statue freaks.


The irony here is your shared attitude with IronLung is perfectly personified by the animal in your pic. Just because we have negative critiques with a statue, doesn't mean we hate statues. By the same token, just because it's polystone doesn't mean it's perfection. Most of the freaks you two are dissing with your elitist rants collect more than just 12" figures.
really? cuz that is how I see most people here, " you don't like what I like? Well you mean nothing to me then"

And the Joe section is obviously dominated by primarily 12" collectors with maybe some statues, based on the collection pics, can't really put you in that category since you don't have a collection gallery. I am not really a regular in other sections, so it is just what I see here.

And with your negative comments and attitude towards the CC statue...what because of a decal? Well if I nitpicked everything that comes out, I probably wouldn't have very much...guess I am jusst easier going than most.
really? cuz that is how I see most people here, " you don't like what I like? Well you mean nothing to me then"

And the Joe section is obviously dominated by primarily 12" collectors with maybe some statues, based on the collection pics, can't really put you in that category since you don't have a collection gallery. I am not really a regular in other sections, so it is just what I see here.

Last PF I bought was Jason and I couldn't be happier with him. Waiting for more info on the Pinhead PF. Furystorm, whom you both also dissed, last I remember, was completely out of 12" figures favoring only polystone now. So as you can see, neither of us are "only 12" collectors." :lol

I don't want to say we have higher standards, but again, that cheap iron-on has no place on a "museum quality" 1/4 collectible statue. Perhaps you should stop taking peoples legitimate critique as personal insults. Our observation of the iron-on is not eccentric by any means. :huh
if you want museum quality statues, you will be paying more than $300 for a piece painted by some unknown factory worker in China.

Never said "only 12" collectors" said primarily with some statues.
if you want museum quality statues, you will be paying more than $300 for a piece painted by some unknown factory worker in China.

Never said "only 12" collectors" said primarily with some statues.

So what you're saying then, is since Sideshow themselves use that term to describe their premium format releases, then maybe we should sue Sideshow for false advertising since, by your admission, quoted above, they're not supposed to be museum quality? I mean, surely, being a statue elitist, this shouldn't come as any surprise to you that they use that term, right? Here's a sample of what a search for "museum quality" brings up on their website.
Well if you have bought with them regularly you know that paint apps usually aren't "museum quality", and like I said I am not as picky, so no, lol, I wouldn't sue them for false advertising, I can except certain changes of paint apps from the proto, and definitely a decal wouldn't be considered "museum quality", would it?
Well if you have bought with them regularly you know that paint apps usually aren't "museum quality", and like I said I am not as picky, so no, lol, I wouldn't sue them for false advertising, I can except certain changes of paint apps from the proto, and definitely a decal wouldn't be considered "museum quality", would it?

Which was my point. For a 12" figure, it's completely understandable as sacrifices need to be made for the smaller scale. On a limited edition, quarter scale, high-end, museum quality statue of a key character from a license, combining mixed media components for a realistic display, it's simply unacceptable.
Yeah, I gave up on the 12 inch dollies (no harsh feelings intended, just how I felt about them personally), in favor of fully sculpted (usually) statues, with a few exceptions in the PF area, such as Jason, wishfully this CC, and Vampiralla coming next year. I kept a few of my dollies, as in the Kane and Dallas HT figures (because they are simply badass), and I wouldn't want to even move them for fear of dry rot on the rubber parts. Those and a few Aliens. But yeah, again I will say, I never wanted to part with $30, but the decal is just not acceptable to me after inspection, in person, at SDCC.

I guess the "sensible" thing to do would be to let SS ship him to me, then request a full refund with my formal complaint listed as the reason, that being the crappy decal.

I can give up $30 once to Sideshow, after many years of being treated so well, and winning tons of prizes from them. But it won't be happening again...
Which was my point. For a 12" figure, it's completely understandable as sacrifices need to be made for the smaller scale. On a limited edition, quarter scale, high-end, museum quality statue of a key character from a license, combining mixed media components for a realistic display, it's simply unacceptable.

Ok, in a way I understand where you are coming from, it just doesn't hinder me from wanting it, it is the first 1/4 scale Joe statue, and despite that small imperfection it is still a killer piece and am very much looking forward to it. And like I said before, the proto looks rushed, the one at SDCC had a hole or tear in it, I just honestly think it will look much better.
And as to the "museum quality" statements and humorous search provided by nam, probably zero Sideshow product would actually be considered museum quality, aside from the insanely expensive bronze pieces. And even then, only a select few of them.

I'm staring at my Grendel bronze right now, and I wouldn't even call that museum quality. There are too many in existence, and he's kind of on the smallish side. But, well, maybe. At least he fits in the Museum of furystorm.
And as to the "museum quality" statements and humorous search provided by nam, probably zero Sideshow product would actually be considered museum quality, aside from the insanely expensive bronze pieces. And even then, only a select few of them.

I'm staring at my Grendel bronze right now, and I wouldn't even call that museum quality. There are too many in existence, and he's kind of on the smallish side. But, well, maybe. At least he fits in the Museum of furystorm.

I'd call Jason "museum quality." :wave
Nothing in a museum has an edition size that large. But I do appreciate your vigorous appreciation for Jason. He is amazingly brutish, and...

downstairs, for the season, by the TV. :D
CC looked damn impressive at comic-con I thought. As far as 1:6th vs PF vs Statue I collect something from all the areas. So I always find when this debate comes up funny because as Nam said so many of us collect different things. People should mind that when trying to be snotty about what others collect.
Which was my point. For a 12" figure, it's completely understandable as sacrifices need to be made for the smaller scale. On a limited edition, quarter scale, high-end, museum quality statue of a key character from a license, combining mixed media components for a realistic display, it's simply unacceptable.

:exactly: I couldn't agree more. Frankly with the higher prices and implied "museum quality" I can't overlook this. Now it wasn't the only reason I cancelled, but it helped contribute to it. Main reason though is there's too much coming out and I'm having to cancel more than I ever intended.
Ok, in a way I understand where you are coming from, it just doesn't hinder me from wanting it, it is the first 1/4 scale Joe statue, and despite that small imperfection it is still a killer piece and am very much looking forward to it. And like I said before, the proto looks rushed, the one at SDCC had a hole or tear in it, I just honestly think it will look much better.

Makes no sense in trying to explain your point. It'll just get turned around and twisted, then you'll find yourself disagreeing/defending yourself. Like it never really gets explained why the need to keep coming back and bashing if you don't like the piece...:slap Idiotic if you ask me. But I'm sure it's some just reasoning for those few.