Premium Format Cobra Commander Premium Format

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That is weird, but still cool you didn't loose out on your original thirty bucks. :hi5:

Wonder why the regular is listed as coming in 30 days, but the exclusive is not? Hope there is no trouble with the commander's alternate portrait...
I was thinking more along the lines of matching colors from the poly or plastic they use on the hooded portrait to that of tha actual fabric on the suit. There's no way they can wonky eye this one, right?
Got on the WL for cobra ex PF converted so I'm happy if
Not just sell it will see it's SE and ST and cobra my
Main three to have that barones looking good Dow not
Sure on her yet
That is weird, but still cool you didn't loose out on your original thirty bucks. :hi5:

Definitely. Hey I wonder if we can preorder the Baroness, pay the NRD, then cancel and reorder every month until she comes out. 10 months of $35 a month and then when she ships she's free. :lol :yess:

I was thinking more along the lines of matching colors from the poly or plastic they use on the hooded portrait to that of tha actual fabric on the suit.

I'm not worried about that. The paint and eyes of the 12 inch Cobra Commander came out great and in the cartoon his hood was a darker color than his uniform anyway.
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I would only have to send $30 per month for ten months. :yess:

I thought about that color variance too. Just wondering what the hold up on the exclusive is. Funny I went from gung-ho on this piece, to the point of nearly cancelling, and now back to excited.
After Baroness I wait listed Ex CC and it converted. I had already made a deposit before cancelling but Sideshow was cool enough to let the deposit apply to the new order.

CC and Baroness are just two perfect of a one-two punch for me to ignore. I feel that SE and Scarlett are guaranteed to see the light of day and will look beyond awesome. I know I'd be kicking myself for passing up on The Enemy's most iconic male/female duo.

And that's to say nothing of how awesome Destro will probably turn out as well.

Wow that's awesome they let you put the deposit towards the new order.

I think SE and Scarlett will be made too along with SS :yess:
Chatted with Jaclyn, and she said its not in the queue yet, that she couldn't see the exclusive listed, and to expect it maybe in early January instead of December.

:slap that sucks, I am ready for him this month.

Kind of works really well for me. I'm so broke, and was actually planning on canceling this piece, until I saw the new Baroness preorder. I can really only get one Sideshow piece every other month these days, and Legolas just came in November, so January will work better for my overextended budget, what with tuition due and all...

Thanks for the info fury :hi5:

My pleasure of course. I love chatting with SS using that feature, and tend to look for reasons to do so. Seems like they are always quick to respond and very helpful via chat too.

I wish I had been able to get the Ex of this. Maybe down the road!

I'm so glad I decided to let him sit in my account, even after getting all my RP's back on him in anticipation of canceling. Then he even survived a recent purge of all unnecessary preorders. Now I'm stoked to have him in queue still, and the hooded version is my favorite.

I only hope they reworked the silly "iron on" Cobra symbol. Really wasn't pleased with it 100% at SDCC...
I finally broke down and put an EX on the WL and it converted in two days. I almost didn't order this one due to the insignia but I couldn't have the Baroness without the CC. Now I have both on order and can’t wait to have them on my shelf.