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I took my gamble with the Ex Waitlist. I wont be butt hurt if it doesn't convert. (haha rhymes).

Can only have so many Commanders in my hobby room before it starts to look weird.

oh yeah I meant to say really stoked for the chrome. Very encouraging.
I took my gamble with the Ex Waitlist. I wont be butt hurt if it doesn't convert. (haha rhymes).

Can only have so many Commanders in my hobby room before it starts to look weird.

oh yeah I meant to say really stoked for the chrome. Very encouraging.

Nice good luck!
I'm even more exited receiving this PF now that it has the chrome mask. With this PF, Baroness and Destro with his own chrome mask (hopefully) that is going to be one awesome looking trio to add to your collection. Lots of chrome.
I'm even more exited receiving this PF now that it has the chrome mask. With this PF, Baroness and Destro with his own chrome mask (hopefully) that is going to be one awesome looking trio to add to your collection. Lots of chrome.

Yeah get a bunch of these and you can do away with mirrors.
Seen it today in my local comic book store looks great. When is SSC going to make that in 1/6th scale?
i was planning on only buying storm shadow and snake eyes from this 1/4 pf line but i just couldn't resist and jumped on the waitlist for the exclusive
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Pictures or it didn't happen! :mad:

I am anxiously awaiting the exclusive shipping, but want to see as much of the new chromed dome as I can!
It'll convert. A number of us got on the WL just a couple weeks back and have already gotten official orders in.

I got on about the same time, but no conversion yet. I really would like the hooded portrait even though the helmet is looking really good now.