Cobra Commander!!!!!

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He looks great without the coat, but I prefer the way he looks with the coat on more.
And awesome of Sideshow to give us a complete sword cane along with a removed sword!
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GOT IT SON and no probs with the site but I'm at work with a T3 line...

Skiman I deleted your screen capture. Never post your order number on a public board, that's all someone needs to call in and cancel your order. Don't want to lose the exclusive! :horror

And screamingmetal I meant to quote your last post and in my excitement hit "Edit" instead. Sorry about that! Bad mod! :eek:
Skiman I deleted your screen capture. Never post your order number on a public board, that's all someone needs to call in and cancel your order. Don't want to lose the exclusive! :horror

And screamingmetal I meant to quote your last post and in my excitement hit "Edit" instead. Sorry about that! Bad mod! :eek:

Oh good deal, yeah I was going to black that out as well but guess I need to consider that also!!!

Good looking out bro!

No I DO NOT want to lose the exclusive:horror:horror:horror
If anybody gets on the wait list and needs an EX CC to be cancelled just let me know. I wrote down Skiman's order number. :D:monkey3
I think he looks really good except the mask still gets me. I really wish it was cloth too. Other than that, I love this figure and totally brings me back to being a kid playing with my Joes in the dirt and sand and stuff. Thanks SSC!!!!
If anybody gets on the wait list and needs an EX CC to be cancelled just let me know. I wrote down Skiman's order number. :D:monkey3

Ha ha very funny, my bad and DON'T DO IT!

I'm sure they wouldn't cancel without some kind of verification...
Please verify username and pwd, oopssss!!!! Uh sawry all i know is dat Skiman is da.... click!

I do appreciate Khev for looking out for a fellow freak, thanks again!
At 99.99 US he's a deal (well for a high end grade A figure nowadays) compared to the price of Vader and Snake Eyes.

I figured he would be a 120 dollar figure.
At 99.99 US he's a deal (well for a high end grade A figure nowadays) compared to the price of Vader and Snake Eyes.

I figured he would be a 120 dollar figure.

Yea i was expecting it to go for more as well, I'm not complaining though! GIMME!!!
Ha ha very funny, my bad and DON'T DO IT!

I'm sure they wouldn't cancel without some kind of verification...
Please verify username and pwd, oopssss!!!! Uh sawry all i know is dat Skiman is da.... click!

I do appreciate Khev for looking out for a fellow freak, thanks again!

Occasionally they do ask for your address, but more often they don't when I call in to cancel orders.
I wish to pay more for him....:monkey3

You're so weird sometimes and no you don't. hehe

You said you wanted to pay 200 for this... buy two.. that's 200 there.

You can pose one with the jacket, and the other without, or have someone customize a chrome dome head for you! :rock